Tag Archives: Arif Prianto

Review: Captain Marvel #45 (Lgy #179)

The most consistent Marvel book of 2022 returns for 2023, mid-story and therefore mid-problem.  What would you expect from the creative mid of Kelly Thompson. Carol and the Binary Rescue Gang. are enjoying a soiree with flirting and drinks.  Everyone is looking good, having fun, if it wasn’t for that pesky little mind-worm that hints… Read More »

Review: Captain Marvel #44 (Lgy #178)

Revenge tales always carry the darkest of tones.  Be it The Empire Strikes Back, Revenge of the Sith, Payback or even Revenge; the Revenge of the Brood continues to cast strife for Carol and her little kind of family and possibly the worst of days for them all. Challenged by a Brood Queen infected Rogue,… Read More »