Tag Archives: Indie Books

Review: Rocketman & Rocketgirl One-Shot

Ever since King of the Rocketmen blasted across my TV screen, I have always loved the idea of strapping on a rocket pack and taking to the skies.  Imagine my joy when I discovered the cheesecake of The Rocketeer and then movie that followed!  Now Dynamite Entertainment are dusting off rocket sleds to take to… Read More »

Review: Belle From Beyond #1 One-Shot

You know, sometimes you should never look a gift horse in the mouth.  Take comic books for example, loads of fans clamour for new stuff and then complain that “this isn’t my [insert character name] or “its not as good as [insert creator run].  Somewhere along the line, when it comes to Zenescope books, I… Read More »

Review: Hunt. KIll. Repeat. #1

When you think of the classic Greek gods, chances are that when it comes to comic books, you are thinking Wonder Woman.  Regardless of whether you are a fan of the classic interpretation, the Wonder Woman version or even Star Trek (yes, I went there), we can all agree that the gods are a duplicitous… Read More »

Review: Vampire Slayer #11

It seems that fate or destiny is unescapable.  We try and walk a righteous path, put its seems the the road to the Hellmouth is paved with good intentions!  In trying to save Buffy from the abyss, have the Scooby Gang instead sacrificed on their own? Faith, probably the most prickly of characters and arguably… Read More »

Review: Torrent #1

Another month and another new universe to get acclimated with; this time from the folks that brought you Arrow, X-Men Gold, Star Wars: Revelations and The Old Guard; Tales Through Time, messer’s  Marc Guggenheim and Justin Greenwood.  If you are fans of either of these creators, you better get strapped in. Crackerjack is the happiest-go-lucky… Read More »

Review: Space Job #1 (of 4)

“Space, the final frontier”, is one of the genres where, normally, I can enjoy a serious dose of fiction, with nary a whimsy or joke abound.  After all, in a vacuum “no-one can hear you laugh!”.  With the possible exception os Space Balls, humour in sci-fi can be a hard to do thing; kind of… Read More »