Tag Archives: Pimping The Long Box

The Return of Pimping The Longbox

Greetings my Comic Crusaders family hope your all well and safe, I am hanging in there, sorry for the absence. I have been dealing with my health , the podcast and I am in the end process of making a few major life decisions will reveal all after the upcoming amazing las vegas Comic Con… Read More »


Greetings my Comic Crusaders family. Can you believe it is almost October? Time for tricks or treats, NYCC and the cooler weather already? I want to start this week off by saying depression sucks, for the last couple of months I have been dealing with my health, if your listening to Awesome Sauce Radio or… Read More »


Greetings my Comic Crusaders family, hope your well and safe. I am doing much better.best I have been in months.just to update everyone. I have c.l.l. A form of blood cancer. I am in stage 1 and no treatment is needed at this time. I get my blood checked in December and only have to… Read More »


Written by Blind Adam the Comic Pimp Greetings my Comic Crusaders family, hope your well and safe and doing well. I am going to bring pimping the long box back on a weekly basis god willing of course this will be a weekley look into the comic book market, movies, porn, movies and anything else… Read More »