Tag Archives: Ralph Tedesco

Review: Grimm Fairy Tales #66

A wise person once sang, ” I am what I am, and what I am needs no excuses”‘.  I agree wholeheartedly with that sentiment.  Brands often diversify in order to stand out from the masses.  Not every publisher has a Batman or Spider-Man to lean on.  With this in mind, please consider Zenescope Entertainment.  Vilified… Read More »

Review: Grimm Tales of Terror Quarterly: 2020 Halloween Special

Every year I take time out to read this book.  For me, Zenescope books are something of a guilty pleasure.  Sure, the covers can be a tad salacious and mis-representative of the interior art, which can be inconsistent with everything but the state of undress for a number of their female characters.  But you have… Read More »