Tag Archives: Taylor Esposito of Ghost Glyph Studios

Review: Belle From Beyond #1 One-Shot

You know, sometimes you should never look a gift horse in the mouth.  Take comic books for example, loads of fans clamour for new stuff and then complain that “this isn’t my [insert character name] or “its not as good as [insert creator run].  Somewhere along the line, when it comes to Zenescope books, I… Read More »

Review: Grimm Fairy Tales #66

A wise person once sang, ” I am what I am, and what I am needs no excuses”‘.  I agree wholeheartedly with that sentiment.  Brands often diversify in order to stand out from the masses.  Not every publisher has a Batman or Spider-Man to lean on.  With this in mind, please consider Zenescope Entertainment.  Vilified… Read More »

Review: Grimm Fairy Tales 2022 Swimsuit Special

Ah, summer is in the air which (not that witch by the way), means that it must be time for another round of swimsuit specials.  No, I am not talking about Sports Illustrated; it’s swimsuits Grimm Fairy Tale style.  As you would expects for this type of one-shot, there is the small matter of a … Read More »

Review: Grimm Tales of Terror Quarterly: 2020 Halloween Special

Every year I take time out to read this book.  For me, Zenescope books are something of a guilty pleasure.  Sure, the covers can be a tad salacious and mis-representative of the interior art, which can be inconsistent with everything but the state of undress for a number of their female characters.  But you have… Read More »