Clark Connors Def AJZ In 9:38… ***
El Phantasmo Def Wheeler Yuta In 14:06… ***3/4
“Filthy” Tom Lawlor (C) Def “Dirty Daddy” Chris Dickinson In 21:16 To Retain NJPW STRONG Openweight Championship… ****1/2
MATCH #1: Clark Connors Vs AJZ (Singles Match, 15 Minute Time Limit) –
Clark and AJZ are slow to it, but they get into a tie-up. They take it to the ground, but AJZ gets Clark up to a headlock. Clark pulls AJZ down into a pinfall but AJZ powers out before one. Back into groundwork, Clark applies an armbar, then a pinfall and AJZ is out at one. Back into a tie-up, Clark backs AJZ up into a corner, AJZ spins around and gets Clark into the corner. Clark backs AJZ into the center of the ring and throws him out of the ring with authority. Clark exits and starts laying into AZJ with chops and elbows. AJZ fires back with a clubbing forearm. Clark throws AJZ’s head into the ring post. Clark pulls AJZ up, but AJZ slaps him in the mouth. Clark fires back with forearms to knock AJZ down. Clark rolls into the ring to break the refs count, then he rolls out to the apron and jumps into a double ax handle on AJZ. Clark throws AJZ back into the ring. AZJ rolls through to the apron and begs forgiveness but snaps Clark’s neck against the ropes. AJZ jumps in with a slingshot DDT. Cover, near fall for AJZ. AJZ mounts Clark and begins to rain down heavy strikes. AJZ rakes his fist across Clark’s eyes twice. Clubbing forearm to Clark’s back. AJZ gets Clark in a stretch and but Clark gets to his feet and hip tosses AJZ. Clark goes for the spear, AJZ side-steps and dodges. Clark rebounds off the ropes, right into a popup left punch from AJZ. AJZ goes for a suplex on Clark, but Clark blocks it as we hit the five-minute mark.
Clark hits two snap suplexes, and goes for the cover but AZJ is out at one. Clark elbows AJZ in the face and then punches him in the chest. Clark goes for another snap Suplex, but AJZ stomps his foot to stop it. AJZ gets Clark into a front face-lock for a suplex. AJZ lifts Clark up and then throws him forward, Clark’s face smashes against the canvas. AJZ starts to shove and strike Clark while taunted him. Clark grabs AJZs throat, AJZ breaks the hold and slaps Clark again. AJZ pulls Clark up onto his shoulders, Clark fights out of it. Clark hits the ropes and comes in with a pounce! Clark backs AJZ into the corner and lays in with stiff chops. Clark with a spear into the corner followed by an overhead throw, kickout at two by AJZ. Clark goes for another spear, AJZ catches him on his shoulders. Clark fights out and backs into the corner. AJZ charges Clark, but Clark throws him over onto the apron. AJZ jumps into a springboard knee strike, cover! Clark out at two. AJZ is punching the canvas mad. AJZ gets Clark up on his shoulders. Clark fights back and powers out. Clark shoves AJZ into the ropes and powerslam! Clark measures AJZ up, SPEAR! AJZ pops up, Clark hits a back Suplex. Cover! That’s it. Clark Connors wins in 9m38s.
My thoughts – Solid TV match. Clark dominated this match and really got to shine. While AJZ got in less offense here than he did against Rocky Romero, he still got in some big shots. But the story of this match was 200% Clark is not a Young Lion anymore and he’s going to dominate. I think Clark could be a star one day for NJPW. He’s got a great look and works well while having perhaps the best spear in wrestling today. ***
MATCH #2: El Phantasmo Vs Wheeler Yuta (Singles Match, 20 Minute Time Limit) –
ELP starts to clap to try and get the 0-capacity crowd cheering for him. ELP speaks as if the invisible crowd is behind him and we are starting. Wheeler and ELP start doing some groundwork, switching between holds and covers. ELP backs into the corner and calls time-out. Another tie-up, Wheeler turns it into an arm-wrench. ELP turns it into his own arm-wrench. Wheeler turns it back around into his own arm-wrench. ELP breaks out and tells Wheeler he’s a nobody. Back into a tie-up. Wheeler Yuta goes for a takedown, but ELP gets him down with a front face-lock. ELP transitions into the wrist lock and Yuta grabs a headlock and hits a takedown. They get up. They go back into a tie-up, ELP grabs the hair and pulls Wheeler into a headlock. Wheeler pushes ELP into the ropes and goes for a whip, but ELP grabs his hair and drags him back into the center of the ring with the headlock. Wheeler shoves ELP into the ropes a second time and gets the whip. Off the rebound ELP lands a shoulder block. ELP hits the ropes himself, Wheeler leapfrogs. Yuta goes for the back-body drop but ELP rolls over his back. ELP comes at Wheeler and Wheeler goes for the hurricanrana but ELP cartwheels out of it. Wheeler grabs ELP into a crucifix and ELP kicks out at one. Wheeler goes for the backslide, ELP powers out and gets a monkey flip. Wheeler lands on his feet and then dropkicks ELP. ELP rolls out of the ring. A lot of action in this one! That’s the five-minute call.
ELP rolls into the ring to break up the refs count, but immediately leaves the ring. The ref gets up to 19 with ELP trolling that he might get a count out. ELP flexes and calls for a TEST OF STRENGTH. Yuta agrees, and ELP immediately goes for a takedown. ELP starts to work over Wheelers hands with some joint manipulation and stomps. ELP gets Wheeler up in an arm-wrench, stiff chop and now ELP is walking the top rope. ELP bites Yuta’s hand and then walks the top rope some more. ELP walks to the other corner, does some more joint manipulation and then jumps into a punch on Wheeler. ELP drags Yuta up to a knee and hits a palm strike. Then ELP grabs Wheeler’s nipples. Springboard crossbody from ELP followed by a LionSault for a 2 count over Wheeler. ELP grabs on a headlock and gets Wheeler to a knee. Wheeler falls to his stomach. Wheeler has some life, and ELP transitions into a front-face lock. Wheeler gets to his feet and gets a series of counters before hitting a big Olympic slam on ELP for a 2 count! That’s the 10 minute call.
Wheeler grabs on a waist lock, ELP turns it into his own waist lock. ELP goes for a back Suplex and Wheeler turns it into a falling crossbody. ELP kicks out. Wheeler hits the ropes, springboard crossbody with another cover. ELP kicks out again. Wheeler off the top, another crossbody for 2! ELP gets to his knees, Wheeler starts to lay in forearms. ELP gets to his feet and taunts Yuta, Yuta lays in with more strikes. ELP gets Yuta onto his shoulders and spinning neckbreaker! Cover, Yuta is out at 2. ELP to the top, but a Wheeler punch stops ELP from jumping. Wheeler climbs up and grabs on a front face-lock. ELP back to the finger manipulation and biting. Yuta falls off the top! ThunderKiss86, but Wheeler kicks out at 2.9! ELP goes for Sudden Death, but Wheeler rolls him up. ELP kicks out. Wheeler dropkick, massive German Suplex! Wheeler ties up ELP in a leg-lock. Wheeler goes for the STF but ELP bites his hand again! Wheeler is arguing with the ref and then SUDDEN DEATH! ELP gets the win! 14m6s.
My thoughts. This was a good match. I am not familiar with Yuta but he’s good and ELP is great. ELP plays his character so well and hit all his greatest hits in this match while Yuta just couldn’t overcome the heel tactics before Sudden Death ended it while Yuta argued with the ref over ELP’s cheating. ***3/4
ELP cuts a promo backstage saying he beat yet another indie darling with the most devastating move in wrestling history. The most accurate and deadly superkick in the history of all professional wrestling. “That my friends, is money!”
NJPW STRONG’s next tour is confirmed to be the “Ignition Tour”
MATCH #3 | MAIN EVENT: “Filthy” Tom Lawlor (C) Vs “Dirty Daddy” Chris Dickinson (Singles Match For The NJPW STRONG Openweight Championship, 60 Minute Time Limit) –
Our main event has a big fight feel to it, the first STRONG Openweight Title Defense. Tom kicks Chris, landing the first strike of the match. Tom goes for a punch; Chris goes in for the single leg takedown and gets Lawlor down. They fight on the ground, both men getting a front face-lock on each other before they stand up into the corner. Clean break. Chris goes for another single leg takedown, Tom blocks it and rolls Chris into an armlock. Tom transitions into a head scissors on Chris’ neck and begins to choke him, Chris rolls out of it and gets a lock on Tom’s legs. Tom fights out of it and both men get an ankle lock on each other. Tom gets to his feet and gets Chris into the sharpshooter. Chris fights out of it and gets a rope break. Chris and Tom go in for a tie-up and start kicking each other, Chris with a combo of punches backs Tom into the ropes. Clean break from Chris. Tom with another kick, Chris blocks it and hits a combo of kicks getting Tom into the corner. Tom grabs Chris and hits a clean takedown. Chris gets Tom into a triangle, but it’s not fully applied. Tom rolls out of it and gator rolls Chris into a submission. That’s the five minute call.
Chris breaks out and mounts Tom looking for an armbar. Tom fights out of it and tries to get a three-quarter nelson. Tom forgoes the arms and goes for the legs. Tom lets Chris stand up and backs off. Tom lands another kick, and then they are into a tie-.. DROPKICK from Chris! Chris hits the ropes, shoulder tackle takes Tom off his feet. Both men roll out of the ring. Tom rolls back into the ring and Chris grabs his ankle to drag Tom out to the apron. Stiff chop to Tom’s chest and then a dragon screw leg-whip on the apron! Chris begins to stomp Tom’s leg. Tom gets up and tries to walk it off, but Chris forearms him in the back. Chris rolls Tom into the ring and Tom rolls out. Tom baits Chris into some forearms. They climb to the apron and trade chops and strikes. Tom catches Chris’ leg, stiff forearm to the face! Tom wraps Chris’ leg into the middle rope and then he snaps his neck against the top rope. Tom gets Chris into the corner and starts to rain down forearms. The ref breaks them up, Chris gets to his feet and lands another chop. Tom forearm backs Chris into the corner. Tom lands some knife edge chops. Chris calls soft and lands three back to back chops. Tom backs into another corner, Chris comes in with a clothesline. Chris goes for another, but Tom lands the spinebuster. Ten minute call.
Tom goes for the cover, Chris kicks out. Tom grabs Chris’ leg and starts to kick it before rolling Chris into an ankle lock. Tom transitions from the ankle lock to the figure four. Chris is struggling to get out of the hold, but he rolls over and puts all the pressure onto Lawlor. Lawlor grabs the rope to break out of the hold. Chris pulls himself up on the ropes into the corner. Tom advances and kicks Chris. Tom with some hard Euro Uppercuts. Chris answers back with chops. Tom gets behind Chris and grabs on the choke. Chris backs Tom into the corner, Tom forearms Chris’ neck and grabs on another choke. Chris breaks out of it and gets another chop. Chris backs Tom up onto the ropes and looks for the SUPERPLEX! Lands clean! Both men are down. Tom pulls himself up on the ropes, Chris gets to his feet grunting. Chris with a corner clothesline. Another clothesline. Irish-whip, Lawlor reverses and sends Chris into the corner. Chris explodes out into a lariat! Chris pulls Tom up, Tom grabs on the choke. Chris gets Tom up and DEATH VALLEY DRIVER! Danny and Kratos get involved, Chris takes out Danny and Brody King takes out Kratos! Tom goes for the choke and Chris gets him with a brain buster! Fifteen-minute call.
Chris goes for a piledriver, Tom gets out and starts to punch. Chris turns it into his own punches and chops. Another piledriver attempt, but Tom sunset flips out. Tom goes for the kick, another dragon screw from Chris. Spinning enziguri from Chris! Pinfall, good for a 2.5. Chris goes for the STF! Tom almost taps but makes it to the bottom rope! Chris gets to his feet, breathing heavily. Chris drags Tom up into a nasty German Suplex on his head! Chris pulls Tom up into another waist-lock, and goes for another but Tom powers out into a Kimura lock. Chris gets to his feet and tries to break up the hold, but Tom Lawlor spikes him with a piledriver! Cover, and a close near fall but Chris kicks out. Tom drags Chris up and taunts him while giving him forearms. Chris slaps Tom, Tom comes back with slaps and kicks. Tom grabs a cravat and knees Tom in the stomach. Chris goes for the spinning backfist, exploder suplex from Tom! Tom hits an Olympic slam and then floats over into a front face-lock. Chris gets to the ropes and gets the break. Tom signals the end, and grabs on another choke. Chris fights out. Twenty-minute call.
Chris starts to kick Tom with a series of kicks, Lawlor ducks one and goes for a choke. Chris throws Tom off, Tom goes for a monkey flip and spins Chris in air. Tom grabs on the choke, Chris fights out into a cover. Chris gets Tom up and hits a back Suplex. Both men get up as Chris hits the ropes and comes at Tom, but Tom slips the back and grabs on another chokehold. After a few moments, Tom pulls Chris back into a sleeper Suplex! Cover from Tom, and that’s it! 21m16s! Tom Lawlor is STILL NJPW STRONG Champion!
My thoughts. This was the longest match in NJPW STRONG history, and it was the best match in NJPW STRONG history so far. This was fantastic, Tom and Chris worked so well together. They had a great mix of pure wrestling with pure striking. Chris looked like a beast in defeat, but Tom got the big title defense. Tom celebrates post-match with Danny and heads to the back. You earned that celebration. ****1/2
Backstage Tom and Danny celebrate, Karl Fredericks tells Tom he’s next in line for the title and he’d see him around. Tom say’s he doesn’t care about Karl and that he doesn’t want that match.
Final Thoughts – Great episode of STRONG that included the best match in STRONG history. Clark Connors looked like a beast going over AJZ, and Clark might have the best spear in wrestling today. ELP and Wheeler had a fun match with a big win for ELP to get his momentum back and declare himself money. Tom Lawlor and Chris Dickinson tore it down with a great match that set the STRONG Openweight to a STRONG standard. They started the ball rolling towards Tom Vs Karl and I expect that to headline the Ignition Tour. Other matches I expect for that tour include; Karl Fredericks Vs Danny Limelight, Brody King Vs JR Kratos and Lio Rush Vs ELP. Great show coming off a really fun tour. 8/10.