Maria Kanellis Celebrates Her 40th Birthday With Super Skimpy White Lingerie Photo Drop

By | February 26, 2022

Maria Kanellis and Mike Bennett were let go by WWE in April 2020 as part of the COVID-19 budget cuts. Both of them eventually returned to ROH and stayed there until the company went on hiatus last year. It seems Kanellis is celebrating her 40th birthday in a huge way.

Maria Kanellis went back to WWE back in 2017 as she and her husband Mike Bennett signed contracts together. Unfortunately, they were largely underutilized in the company and ultimately floundered on the main roster.

Maria Kanellis is well aware of how good she looks and in spite of being a mother, she is more than confident in flaunting the efforts of her hard work for fans to see. Kanellis took to her Instagram and uploaded a photo of herself in a skimpy outfit as she celebrated becoming 40.

Exclusive This is 40th Birthday Shoot 🎂

Link in Bio!!

This is 40!!!! Today I turn 40. What a life? A beautiful, magical, sexy, provocative, adventure. A Journey. At least 30 countries, 6 continents, thousands of flights, long car rides, long labors, long grey hair hidden by red color. A fire. A determination to prove them wrong. A fearless and steady wife that believes that the grass is not greener but under the context of different sunlight. A lioness, a mother protecting her 2 cubs. Someday, maybe more?!?? Is this my final form? No. But I was a caterpillar grounded and confined by fake rules and tiny appendages and now I’m empowered, a butterfly, ready to fly. Fly past the bullshit and into the next phase. Conqueror of the winds of change. What’s Next? What’s Next? I Know. Can’t wait to inform you… 💋🐞

Maria Kanellis has been keeping herself busy with a variety of projects outside of her professional wrestling career and she would not have it any other way as well. We would also like to wish her a happy birthday and hope she finds success in anything she does.

What’s your take on this story? Sound off in the comments!

February 26, 2022 6:53 am
