Adam Pearce What He Really Does Backstage As WWE Producer

By | November 19, 2020

Adam Pearce is an authority figure on WWE television, or as close to one that they will establish right now. He is referred to as a “WWE official” during RAW and SmackDown, but he’s still a producer backstage.

The producer position is often misunderstood. They do a lot more than simply produce matches. Pearce explained on After The Bell just how much responsibility his job entails as he arrives before so many others and is working all day to ensure that the show comes together behind the scenes.

“To make it real simple – I do everything. I do literally everything. No, I jest, but not really. Producers’ days at television especially start before everybody else’s….I’ll get there three or four hours before everybody else, we’ll sit in a meeting, we’ll go through the festivities of the day – that may or may not change at all, it may be etched in stone and we may follow through with one set of plans immediately. I have become extremely adept at rolling with the punches and oh the punches, they will be coming and they will be coming fast and furious. So, producers are on their toes constantly. We are the behind the scenes deliverers of information – sometimes wanted, sometimes not.”

“We’re responsible for making sure that our specific duties for the day – be that one segment, two segments, three segments, or more – not only hit their time but provide the content we’re responsible for. Sometimes that means I need to get in the ring and teach somebody something they’ve never done before – those are always fun days. And then, I’ve got to, once the broadcast comes to fruition, sit there in the chair with the headset on and communicate what we’re seeing to our broadcast partners and our television truck – our producers and our directors – before it actually happens so they can have their cameras in position to capture the images we’re trying to give the viewer at home. If all of that happens in a perfect world, we’ll hit our time to the second, everyone will be happy with what they saw, and we’ll move on to the next day. That’s just describing a TV day.”

Adam Pearce is respected throughout the pro wrestling world as a former five-time NWA World Heavyweight Champion. He was also inducted into the NWA Hall Of Fame in 2015.

Some WWE fans might know him best for his recent role on television where he books matches and lays down the law. His responsibilities with WWE, much like his pro wrestling career, is not fully appreciated by a majority of fans out there.

Thanks to 411 Mania for the quote
