Welcome to Ringside News’ live results of AEW Dynamite. Tonight will be a tribute show to the life of Brodie Lee, featuring the Dark Order in a variety of tag team matches. Please feel free to refresh this page for constant updates while the show is airing while also leaving your reactions in the comments section.
It’s odd to think that I’ve been watching Brodie Lee wrestle for nearly half of my life. My first stark memory of him was his cage match against Claudio Castagnoli (WWE’s Cesaro) at a 2008 Chikara show. I fondly remember him as part of the Roughnecks unit in Chikara until he got signed by the WWE in 2012. I don’t know if anyone was thrilled by WWE’s usage of him, but I was truly excited to see his reemergence in AEW. I loved his match against Jon Moxley from Double or Nothing 2020 and his performances on Being the Elite made me laugh a lot. Brodie Lee was an integral part of professional wrestling being fun for me this year. The masses coming out with fond memories of Brodie Lee speaks for itself. Brodie Lee put a lot of good into this world and was taken far too soon. It’s as simple as that.
The card for tonight is as follows:
- Cody Rhodes, Orange Cassidy, and 10 vs. Team Taz (Brian Cage, Ricky Starks, and Powerhouse Hobbs)
- Hangman Page, John Silver, and Alex Reynolds vs. MJF, Santana, and Ortiz
- Anna Jay and Tay Conti vs. Britt Baker and Penelope Ford
- Eddie Kingston, The Butcher, and The Blade vs. Lance Archer, Evil Uno, and Stu Grayson
- The Young Bucks (Matt and Nick Jackson) and Colt Cabana vs. Matt Hardy and Private Party (Marq Quen and Isaiah Kassidy)
- Chris Jericho on commentary