Live Results and Match Grade: Cody Rhodes (c) vs Kevin Owens for WWE Universal Championship

By | December 14, 2024

In the final match of Saturday Night’s Main Event, WWE fans got a chance to witness the grudge match of all grudge matches. It takes a lot to elevate a Cody Rhodes match, but Kevin Owens has brought that greatness out of him over the last two montsh. The beef began percoulating over the summer when Rhodes demanded Owens get a title shot. 

After that though, Rhodes sent Owens over the edge by teaming up to their former rival Roman Reigns. The fued has included Owens’ destruction of Randy Owens and now leads to this match.

Rhodes’ early advantage is neutralized by him landing awkardly on his bad angle, giving Owens a chance to take control of the match. During the reak Owens dominates and taunts the crowd with several “Suck It” gstures before planting a mean DDT on Rhodes.

Owens looks to mock Rhodes with the Dusty Rhodes left’s and elbow, but Rhodes flips the script. Rhodes lands a Disaster Kick but Owens escapes the pin. Having Ventura on the mic rooting for Owens the entire match is outstanding.

Owens clears the announcer’s tale, but Rhodes reverses and lands a vicious RKO. He climbs to the top rope and lands a Cody Cutter, but Owens somehow kicks out.

Rhodes climbs to the second rope, but Owens reverses it with a Fisherman’s Buster suplex that was pure chaos.

Owens slips out of a Cutter, but knocks Rhodes into the ref. Owens gets what would’ve been a five count, but the substitute ref isn’t there yet. Rhodes kicks out of the second attempt, then takes out the second ref with a disaster kick attempt that was a cross body.

Enranged, Owens grabs a chair, but Rhodes ducks it and lands a Cody Cutter, then lands a a Cross Rhodes, slamming Owens head onto the chair. He covers and eventually the ref rejoins the match and counts to three.

Matchup Grade: B+

One of the better Rhodes matches in recent memory, great twist with taking out two refs.

What’s Next? 

This clearly isn’t going to be over. Here’s how we predicted the ending earlier in the week

Rhodes’ run will have reached 250 days by the time this match takes place, and it may be time for a title change. A crazed, vindicated, heel Owens reigning as champion would be an interesting twist for SmackDown to close out the year. But it’s not happening. A ticked-off Owens is still the best version of this rivalry and our prediction is that Rhodes retains the title.

The two will remain embroiled in a storyline as Owens will invent some slight and the two will continue feuding leading to an eventual heel turn for Orton and a Triple-Threat Match. 
