AEW has many pro wrestling legends, but Steve Austin is not a part of the company. That isn’t for lack of trying.
AEW Unrestricted recently invited Brian Pillman Jr. onto the show as a guest. The Varsity Blondes member said that he’s tried reaching out to “Stone Cold” about having a role, but he hasn’t heard back yet. The ultimate goal is for the Texas Rattlesnake to come in and coach them.
“I’ve attempted to reach out to Steve a couple of times. I haven’t heard back yet. My ultimate ploy is that he would be our coach. He would come out of the curtain in a tracksuit and a whistle. He’s making us do drills before the match like a Drill Sergeant. We would always be ready. We would always be warmed up. We would have a mean angry coach to rile us up and then we wouldn’t fail because we would know that if we lost the match, we were going to get reamed at. I think he would be a good motivator for us and he would help us get our act together.”
Steve Austin has a pretty good relationship with WWE right now. Vince McMahon might not pick up his phone calls, and he didn’t get a call about coming in for WrestleMania. At least McMahon approved Chris Jericho’s appearance on the Broken Skull Sessions.
Thanks to Wrestling News for the quote