Tension can rise backstage and real fights have the possibility of breaking out. This is exactly what apparently happened within the Nation Of Domination, and The Godfather was there to see it all.
While speaking to Wrestling Shoot Interviews, The Godfather was asked about the best backstage fight he ever saw. He not only gave an answer, but he also revealed who won that fight.
“Ahmed Johnson and D’Lo Brown, and D’Lo whooped his ass. D’Lo’s a real wrestler. I mean, he was a collegiate wrestler, and D’Lo had him hooked so bad and he (Johnson) is trying to tap out. D’Lo had him hooked so bad that me and Ron (Simmons) had to tell him, ‘D’Lo, let him go. Let him go, D’Lo,’ because D’Lo was gonna break his arm or something.
“But that was the best one I’ve seen.”
Godfather couldn’t recall what the cause of the fight was, but things got heated, and D’Lo handled his business.
“Don’t know, don’t remember. I just remember D’Lo and him going at it. I don’t remember why. Ahmed Johnson, he just didn’t get it. He didn’t fit in with us either, and so he didn’t get it. At that point everybody couldn’t stand him. I’m about the only guy that probably doesn’t have real nasty things to say about him. I just tell people he didn’t get it. He didn’t get it and we tried to help him. He just didn’t get it.”
Ahmed Johnson has spouted off in recent months about his time with the Nation Of Domination. He didn’t get along with them as many thought he did on television. This caused a rift backstage as well. D’Lo Brown was still able to handle his own business.