Randy Orton wasn’t on RAW again this week and Matt Riddle is worried the former NXT North American Champion misses his RKBro tag team partner and he’s making the search official.
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Randy Orton is leaving Riddle “on read,” and not returning his messages. During RAW Talk, Riddle revealed that he “hit up” the Tampa Bay Police and he was like, “hey bros I wanna file missing person report on my bro.” The police were apparently game to help until they discovered that Orton and Riddle aren’t actually “bros.”
Riddle wasn’t able to file a missing persons report because he’s not related to Orton, but it was the thought that counts. Odds are fans will see RKBro reunite soon enough.
This week’s RAW was taped on Tuesday last week. Since Randy Orton wasn’t on RAW live last week it’s no surprise that he missed two weeks’ worth of shows. Hopefully, he’s okay, because Matt Riddle is really concerned.
What’s your take on RKBro? Sound off in the comments!