Review: Gun Honey Blood for Blood #3 (of 4)

By | November 9, 2022

Bucking the trend of some antiseptic images for female characters, Gun Honey  Blood for Blood sees Joanna Tan continue to flirt, flaunt and fight her way to clear her names from the threat of someone who could be equal and maybe even more.

Joanna has caught up with one of the big bad’s, Ernie.  Problem is Joanna is a step behind her adversary Filippa.  Whilst Joanna can play fast and loose with the rules, her partner Brook might not be so lucky as the body count increases.  This issue than acts a fulcrum of sorts, moving the characters around for their final battle.

Charles Ardai writing takes a bit of a slower pace this issue as we get to see Filippa’s origin played out in flashbacks, interspersed with the conclusion of last issue’s cliffhanger.  Throughout the various stages Ardai’s writing remains consistent, delivering the noir elements with style.  In Filippa, Ardai sets her as foil against Joanna as both have a hard upbringing leading to a dirty job.  In doing so, we get something of an understanding of why Filippa does whats she does.  Using  reflections or refractions between the two ladies allows Ardai to cleverly draw on both the similarities and the differences of them both.

The art is supplied once again by Ang Hor Kheng, though this time the art feels a little rushed in places, as if the details son’t matter so much.  Kheng’ art has always been a little bit more is less when it comes to the finer points, relying on the overall images and the readers assumptions doing the rest.  The art isn’t bad, it’s just not as polished, in places, as previous issues.  Asifur Rahman drops the usual darker than dark color scheme, with David Leach provides a svelte font that lets the art and story do the leg work.  Finally, there a re a raft of covers to choose from; in this case its buyers choice for sure!

I am a big fan of the first series and this second run hasn’t disappointed in terms of storytelling and character developments, to go along with the sexiness of character who oozes sex appeal and a stronger sense of self-reliance.

Writing – 5 Stars

Art – 4 Stars

Colors – 5 Stars

Overall – 4.5 Stars

Written by; Charles Ardai
Att by; Ang Hor Kheng
Colors by; Asifur Rahman
Letters by; David Leach
Published by; Titan Comics / Hard Case Crime
