This list is based on the shipping dates from the distributors order forms. Not all comic book shops order all items. If you have questions about a specific comic, talk to your comic shop owner. PLEASE NOTE- Not all of these titles will arrive in all stores. Items with release dates are not verified by the distributors and are individually noted. Some of the comics titles listed may have arrived in stores already through Diamond Distributors, Penguin-Random House, Lunar Distribution and UCS Comic Distributors.
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TITLE, ISSUE NUMBER, PRICE IN U.S. DOLLARS (“AR” means “ask your retailer for the price”)
Briar #3 (Of 4)(2nd Printing Cover A German Garcia), $3.99
Know Your Station #4 (Of 5)(Cover A Liana Kangas), $3.99
Know Your Station #4 (Of 5)(Cover B Becca Carey), $3.99
Know Your Station #4 (Of 5)(Cover C Liana Kangas Cardstock Virgin Variant), AR
Know Your Station #4 (Of 5)(Cover D Ming Doyle Virgin Variant), AR
Once Upon A Time At The End Of The World #1 (3rd Printing Cover A A.L. Kaplan), $4.99
Power Rangers Volume 6 TP, $16.99
Assassin’s Apprentice I #4 (Of 6)(Cover A Anna Steinbauer), $3.99
Berserk Deluxe Edition Volume 13 HC, $49.99
Clear #1 (Of 3)(Cover A Francis Manapul), $4.99
Clear #1 (Of 3)(Cover B Francis Manapul), $5.99
Clear #1 (Of 3)(Cover C Francis Manapul), $5.99
Clear #1 (Of 3)(Cover D Francis Manapul), $5.99
Clear #1 (Of 3)(Cover E Francis Manapul Foil Variant), $5.99
Clear #1 (Of 3)(Cover F Christian Ward), AR
Clear #1 (Of 3)(Cover G Mike Del Mundo), AR
Clear #1 (Of 3)(Cover H Cliff Chiang Reveal Variant), $5.99
Snow Angels Library Edition HC, $49.99
Space Job #2 (Of 4)(Cover A Alvaro Sarraseca), $3.99
Stephen McCranie’s Space Boy Volume 15 TP, $12.99
Barbarella The Center Cannot Hold #1 (Cover Q Derrick Chew Virgin Variant), AR
Barbarella The Center Cannot Hold #1 (Cover R Madibek Musabekov Virgin Variant), AR
Cherish #5 (Cover A Stuart Sayger), $3.99
Cherish #5 (Cover B Ben Templesmith), $3.99
Cherish #5 (Cover C Soo Lee), $3.99
Cherish #5 (Cover D Clay McCormack), $3.99
Cherish #5 (Cover E Stuart Sayger Black & White Variant), AR
Cherish #5 (Cover F Clay McCormack Virgin Variant), AR
Cherish #5 (Cover G Soo Lee Virgin Variant), AR
Cherish #5 (Cover H Ben Templesmith Virgin Variant), AR
Darkwing Duck #1 (Facsimile Edition)(Cover D John Blair Moore Gold Foil Logo Variant), AR
Darkwing Duck #1 (Facsimile Edition)(Cover E John Blair Moore Purple Foil Logo Variant), AR
Darkwing Duck #2 (Cover T David Nakayama Virgin Variant), AR
Darkwing Duck #2 (Cover U Mirka Andolfo Virgin Variant), AR
Dejah Thoris Volume 4 #1 (Cover A Lesley Leirix Li), $3.99
Dejah Thoris Volume 4 #1 (Cover B Joseph Michael Linsner), $3.99
Dejah Thoris Volume 4 #1 (Cover C Junggeun Yoon), $3.99
Dejah Thoris Volume 4 #1 (Cover D Rebeca Puebla), $3.99
Dejah Thoris Volume 4 #1 (Cover E Joshua Sway Swaby), $3.99
Dejah Thoris Volume 4 #1 (Cover F Rachel Hollon Cosplay Variant), $3.99
Dejah Thoris Volume 4 #1 (Cover G Jade Hope), $3.99
Dejah Thoris Volume 4 #1 (Cover H Blank Authentix Variant), $4.99
Dejah Thoris Volume 4 #1 (Cover I Joshua Sway Swaby Line Art Variant), AR
Dejah Thoris Volume 4 #1 (Cover J Joseph Michael Linsner Line Art Variant), AR
Dejah Thoris Volume 4 #1 (Cover K Rachel Hollon Cosplay Virgin Variant), AR
Dejah Thoris Volume 4 #1 (Cover L Junggeun Yoon Virgin Variant), AR
Dejah Thoris Volume 4 #1 (Cover M Joshua Sway Swaby Virgin Variant, AR
Dejah Thoris Volume 4 #1 (Cover N Rebeca Puebla Virgin Variant), AR
Dejah Thoris Volume 4 #1 (Cover R Lucio Parrillo), AR
Dejah Thoris Volume 4 #1 (Cover S Marc Laming), AR
Dejah Thoris Volume 4 #1 (Cover T Emiliana Pinna), AR
Dejah Thoris Volume 4 #1 (Cover U Mars Red Blank Authentix Variant), AR
Dejah Thoris Volume 4 #1 (Cover V Earth Green Blank Authentix Variant), AR
Dejah Thoris Volume 4 #1 (Cover W Lucio Parrillo Ultraviolet Variant), AR
Dejah Thoris Volume 4 #1 (Cover X Junggeun Yoon Black & White Variant), AR
Dejah Thoris Volume 4 #1 (Cover Y Rebeca Puebla Black & White Variant), AR
Dejah Thoris Volume 4 #1 (Cover Z Lesley Leirix Li Black & White Variant), AR
Dejah Thoris Volume 4 #1 (Cover ZA Emiliana Pinna Virgin Variant), AR
Dejah Thoris Volume 4 #1 (Cover ZB Marc Laming Virgin Variant), AR
Dejah Thoris Volume 4 #1 (Cover ZC Lucio Parrillo Virgin Variant), AR
Dejah Thoris Volume 4 #1 (Cover ZD Lucio Parrillo Ultraviolet Virgin Variant), AR
Draculina Blood Simple #1 (Cover R Jay Anacleto Virgin Variant), AR
Draculina Blood Simple #1 (Cover S Joseph Michael Linsner Virgin Variant), AR
Gargoyles #3 (Cover T David Nakayama Virgin Variant), AR
Gargoyles #3 (Cover U Amanda Conner Virgin Variant), AR
Madballs Vs. Garbage Pail Kids Time Again Slime Again #1 (Cover I Joe Simko Metal Premium Variant), AR
Purgatori Must Die #3 (Cover O Collette Turner Virgin Variant), AR
Unbreakable Red Sonja #4 (Cover L Lucio Parrillo Virgin Variant), AR
Vampirella Strikes Volume 2 #10 (Cover K Lucio Parrillo Virgin Variant), AR
Vampirella Strikes Volume 2 #10 (Cover L Junggeun Yoon Virgin Variant), AR
Vampirella Vs. Red Sonja #5 (Cover A Lucio Parrillo), $4.99
Vampirella Vs. Red Sonja #5 (Cover B Joseph Michael Linsner), $4.99
Vampirella Vs. Red Sonja #5 (Cover C Steve Beach), $4.99
Vampirella Vs. Red Sonja #5 (Cover D Drew Moss), $4.99
Vampirella Vs. Red Sonja #5 (Cover E Rachel Hollon Cosplay Variant), $4.99
Vampirella Vs. Red Sonja #5 (Cover F Lucio Parrillo Tinted Variant), AR
Vampirella Vs. Red Sonja #5 (Cover G Rachel Hollon Cosplay Virgin Variant), AR
Vampirella Vs. Red Sonja #5 (Cover H Steve Beach Virgin Variant), AR
Vampirella Vs. Red Sonja #5 (Cover I Drew Moss Virgin Variant), AR
Vampirella Vs. Red Sonja #5 (Cover J Joseph Michael Linsner Virgin Variant), AR
Vampirella Vs. Red Sonja #5 (Cover L Alessandro Ranaldi), AR
Vampirella Vs. Red Sonja #5 (Cover M Lucio Parrillo Ultraviolet Variant), AR
Vampirella Vs. Red Sonja #5 (Cover N Steve Beach Black & White Variant), AR
Vampirella Vs. Red Sonja #5 (Cover O Alessandro Ranaldi Line Art Variant), AR
Vampirella Vs. Red Sonja #5 (Cover P Joseph Michael Linsner Line Art Variant), AR
Vampirella Vs. Red Sonja #5 (Cover Q Lucio Parrillo Ultraviolet Virgin Variant), AR
Vampirella Vs. Red Sonja #5 (Cover R Alessandro Ranaldi Virgin Variant), AR
Vampirella Vs. Red Sonja #5 (Cover S Joseph Michael Linsner Fiery Red Line Art Variant), AR
Dungeons And Dragons Honor Among Thieves The Feast Of The Moon Official Movie Prequel GN, $14.99
Genius Illustrated The Life And Art Of Alex Toth TP, $34.99
Godzilla Rivals Mothra Vs. Titanosaurus #1 (Cover A Ferio Wind), $7.99
Godzilla Rivals Mothra Vs. Titanosaurus #1 (Cover B Sophie Campbell), $7.99
Godzilla Rivals Mothra Vs. Titanosaurus #1 (Cover C G. Romero-Johnston), AR
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles The Armageddon Game The Alliance #5 (Cover A Roi Mercado), $3.99
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles The Armageddon Game The Alliance #5 (Cover B Pablo Verdugo), $3.99
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles The Armageddon Game The Alliance #5 (Cover C Mateus Santolouco), AR
Almighty #2 (Cover A Edward Laroche), $3.99
A.R.C. #1 (One Shot)(Cover A Stjepan Sejic), $4.99
Blood Tree #2 (Cover A Christian Alamy), $3.99
Gospel #5 (Of 5)(Cover A Ver), $3.99
Rogue Sun #11 (Cover A Luana Vecchio)(Massive-Verse), $3.99
Rogue Sun #11 (Cover B Paris Alleyne)(Massive-Verse), AR
Spawn #339 (Cover A Simone Bianchi), $2.99
Spawn #339 (Cover B Kevin Keane), $2.99
Spawn #339 (Cover C Blank Variant), $2.99
Stoneheart #1 (Cover A Emma Kubert), $3.99
Two Graves #5 (Cover A Ming Doyle), $3.99
Two Graves #5 (Cover B Annie Wu), $3.99