Alex Garland’s latest movie, Civil War, has a runtime that is under two hours long.
Per Variety, Garland’s Civil War has an official runtime of 109 minutes, which was confirmed by A24. This debunks previous rumors claiming that the upcoming political could have a runtime as long as 3 hours and 15 minutes.
What is Alex Garland’s Civil War about?
“A race to the White House in a near-future America balanced on the razor’s edge,” the official synopsis reads.
Civil War stars Kirsten Dunst, Wagner Moura, Stephen McKinley Henderson, Cailee Spaeny, Jesse Plemons, Nick Offerman, Karl Glusman, Sonoya Mizuno, and Jonica T. Gibbs.
The film is written and directed by Garland, who is known for making 2015’s Ex Machina, 2018’s Annihilation, and 2022’s Men, all of which were released through A24. He also wrote the screenplay for 2002’s 28 Days Later and 2007’s Sunshine, both of which starred Cillian Murphy.
Gregory Goodman, Andrew Macdonald, and Allon Reich serve as producers on the film.
Garland previously described Civil War as a “companion piece to Men in some ways” when speaking to The Telegraph in May 2022. He said, “Look, I’m not expecting everyone to like [Men]. I know when I put something out there if it’s going to p— a bunch of people off. The film I’m making now is also going to wind some people up.”
The plot synopsis for Men, which is currently streaming on Showtime, reads, “In the aftermath of a personal tragedy, Harper retreats alone to the beautiful English countryside, hoping to have found a place to heal. But someone or something from the surrounding woods appears to be stalking her. What begins as simmering dread becomes a fully-formed nightmare, inhabited by her darkest memories and fears.”
Civil War releases in United States theaters on April 26, 2024, from A24.