Viewers of Reptile were shocked by the ending they witnessed and have a lot of questions about it. Here is the ending explained.
What happens at the end of the Reptile movie?
At the end of Reptile, Will Grady who is revealed to have murdered his girlfriend Summer Elswick is arrested by the authorities as he is golfing. Detective Tom Nichols kills his friend and police chief Marty Graeber for being in on Will Grady’s scheme which led to the death of Summer and shoots and subdues Detective Wally after he kills Captain Robert Allen, his boss and the uncle of his wife, Judy.
Did Will Grady kill Summer?
Yes, Will Grady killed his girlfriend Summer.
When the story starts, Will is shown being in shock and confusion about Summer’s murder. However later on, through jarring and confusing flashbacks, Will is revealed to be the culprit behind Summer’s murder. Will tries to throw Nichols off the murder trail by pinning the murder on Summer’s ex-boyfriend, but the cunning cop manages to trace the trail back to Will through his burner phone.
Why did Will Grady kill Summer?
Will Grady killed Summer to prevent her from revealing the full extent of White Fish’s corruption.
In the film, it is eventually revealed that White Fish is a shell company that serves as a front for a drug laundering business. Summer found out the truth in addition to the fact that it had several corrupt police officers on their payroll. However, Will soon finds out her intentions to report to the authorities and murders her to silence her.
Why is the film called Reptile?
The film is called Reptile as it sees several characters shed their skin as the story progresses, and they go from being one type of person to another type.
For instance, Will Grady starts out as a skittish man who is eventually revealed to have a sinister side to him and Tom Nichols goes from a supposedly corrupt cop to an altruistic man.
Why are the mirrors important in the film?
The mirrors are important in Reptile as they give the feeling that not everything is what it seems, offering reflections of the characters that highlight their deceptive presentation.
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