LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, may I have your attention, please?! You’ve been patient! You’ve been diligent! You’ve been loyal! Now, for demonstrating such tremendous qualities, such incredible attributes, such unbelievable resolve, you shall be rewarded! Friends, bloggers, Earthlings, lend me your ears! The time has come, yet again, for you to get your proper dose of excitement, adventure, and intrigue! People of the Net, without further delay, I present to you this week’s FRRRRRRRRRRIDAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYY FICTIOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN!
…Sam, play it.
*Cue music.*
I’ve scoured through the logs, the stories of futures, other worlds, and the strange, and found four Friday Fictions published at different times. Four tales full of hope, and love, and good outcomes.
Each name will bring you to a new place, a new idea.
For those romantics and lovers of love: “Every Love Story.”
For fans of found family and space travel: “Home, Wherever It Is.”
For dreamers excited by the idea of a beneficial super A.I.: “The Present Code.”
And, finally, for those that hold hope for a better world: “That Which We All Lost.”
Read one or many. They’re here for you to enjoy. Occasionally, we all need to be reminded that things sometimes do get better.
Thank you for reading Friday Fiction. Thank you for being a part of it. We’ll see you next week with a new story and a new slice of reality.
…tuning out.
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