LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, may I have your attention, please?! You’ve been patient! You’ve been diligent! You’ve been loyal! Now, for demonstrating such tremendous qualities, such incredible attributes, such unbelievable resolve, you shall be rewarded! Friends, bloggers, Earthlings, lend me your ears! The time has come, yet again, for you to get your proper dose of excitement, adventure, and intrigue! People of the Net, without further delay, I present to you this week’s FRRRRRRRRRRIDAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYY FICTIOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN!
…Sam, play it.
*Cue music.*
The night offers and takes so much.
It’s a place where the curious, the dangerous, and the inexplicable might be found.
Our newest friend, Jeremy, loves the night. And the night loves him.
So much so he won’t be alone anymore.
The beginning of a story that transcends any one genre, and only gets stranger with each part, may I present:
“The Night of Dreamers and Dreams.”
It’s going to be a long one, folks, but for a tale as odd as this, there’s only one way to tell it. And we hope you’ll enjoy it as you plunge into imagination, fears, and wishes.
tuning off…
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