Now starting at point guard: Happy Gilmore.
Actor and comedian Adam Sandler is a massive hoops fan; his love for basketball has a tendency to make it into his movies, and he’s actually pretty good, too. Or, at least, better than your average YMCA hooper.
In videos that surfaced on Monday, Sandler reminded folks of that. Showing up in a polo shirt and shorts that were maybe three or four sizes too big, Sandler dropped a couple of beautiful passes to teammates and set the internet on fire.
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Unfortunately for Sandler, a few of the on-point passes were actually bricked, even with wide-open looks. Such is the life of pick-up games.
Sandler is an avid Knicks fan who can be found courtside at New York games, often with fellow superfan Spike Lee. Sandler starred in 2019’s “Uncut Gems” portraying a gambling addict and jewelry store owner who gets into deep water with Kevin Garnett over a bet placed on the 2012 Eastern Conference semifinals between the Celtics and the 76ers.
Needless to say, Sandler’s attire and play caught the eye of NBA Twitter
Adam Sandler looks like when you forgot your gym clothes in middle school but didn’t want to miss out on basketball day pic.twitter.com/7K3kzvIrxh
— B.W. Carlin (@BaileyCarlin) May 17, 2021
If Sandler can keep this up, maybe he’ll start at point guard for the Knicks in 2021-22.