Tag Archives: 80’s


When one mentions the name of George Lucas, one of two franchises typically will come up immediately, usually Star Wars or Indiana Jones. However, Lucas also was involved with films that branched outside of his usual serial-style adventure tales, most notably THX-1138, American Graffiti and Red Tails. Willow tends to fit more within Lucas’s traditional… Read More »

Jean Michel Basquiat – “Danceteria REWIND” (***weekly livestream re-creation of the sounds of Danceteria, legendary NYC 80s nightclub***)

Meet the DJ/host of a new Twitch channel called Danceteria REWIND, Rafe Gomez.  It’s a weekly The post Jean Michel Basquiat – “Danceteria REWIND” (***weekly livestream re-creation of the sounds of Danceteria, legendary NYC 80s nightclub***) appeared first on COMIC CRUSADERS. Source