Tag Archives: distributed denial of service attack

Biggest DDoSes of all time generated by protocol 0-day in HTTP/2

Aurich Lawson / Getty reader comments 6 with In August and September, threat actors unleashed the biggest distributed denial-of-service attacks in Internet history by exploiting a previously unknown vulnerability in a key technical protocol. Unlike other high-severity zerodays in recent years—Heartbleed or log4j, for example—which caused chaos from a torrent of indiscriminate exploits, the more… Read More »

Attackers find new ways to deliver DDoSes with “alarming” sophistication

Aurich Lawson / Getty reader comments 5 with The protracted arms race between criminals who wage distributed denial-of-service attacks and the defenders who attempt to stop them continues, as the former embraces “alarming” new methods to make their online offensives more powerful and destructive, researchers from content-delivery network Cloudflare reported Wednesday. With a global network… Read More »

Prosecutors charge 6 people for allegedly waging massive DDoS attacks

Getty Images reader comments 16 with 0 posters participating Share this story Federal prosecutors on Wednesday charged six people for allegedly operating websites that launched millions of powerful distributed denial-of-service attacks on a wide array of victims on behalf of millions of paying customers. The sites promoted themselves as booter or stressor services designed to… Read More »

European Parliament declares Russia a terrorism sponsor, then its site goes down

Enlarge / An iteration of what happens when your site gets shut down by a DDoS attack. reader comments 96 with 0 posters participating Share this story The European Parliament website was knocked offline for several hours on Wednesday by a distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attack that started shortly after the governing body voted to declare… Read More »

The record-setting DDoSes keep coming, with no end in sight

Enlarge / Drowning in a sea of data. reader comments 18 with 14 posters participating Share this story The record-vying distributed denial-of-service attacks keep coming, with two mitigation services reporting they encountered some of the biggest data bombardments ever by threat actors whose tactics and techniques are constantly evolving. On Monday, Imperva said it defended… Read More »

Pro-Russia threat group Killnet is pummeling Lithuania with DDoS attacks

Enlarge / Drowning in a sea of data. (credit: Getty Images) Internet services in Lithuania came under “intense” distributed denial of service attacks on Monday as the pro-Russia threat-actor group Killnet took credit. Killnet said its attacks were in retaliation regarding Lithuania’s recent banning of shipments sanctioned by the European Union to the Russian exclave… Read More »

Tsunami of junk traffic that broke DDoS records delivered by tiniest of botnets

Enlarge (credit: Aurich Lawson | Getty Images) A massive flood of malicious traffic that recently set a new distributed denial-of-service record came from an unlikely source. A botnet of just 5,000 devices was responsible, as extortionists and vandals continue to develop ever more powerful attacks to knock sites offline, security researchers said. The DDoS delivered… Read More »