Community Review: Heroes Assemble

By | September 22, 2023

Hello, IGN reviewers in training. Welcome to another week of community reviews, in which we give you the opportunity to score your favorite (or not-so-favorite) games that are based on a specific theme. Our previous theme was space, which you can check out here. This week we’re bringing it back to Earth by showcasing a Playlist featuring some of Earth’s mightiest heroes.

With this week’s theme being superheroes, and with all the recent news about Spider-Man 2, it is a great time to see how you rank some of the previous Spider-Man games and/or those starring other popular superheroes. So head to the page for your favorite games and leave your reviews to help them get the attention they deserve. We’ve compiled a playlist featuring 50 of the biggest superhero games, including Spider-Man, Batman, the X-Men, and other franchises to get you started – but feel free to leave a review for any of your favorites we may have missed. All you have to do is head to a game’s page and click the Rate Game button to get started.

For those of you who missed the rollout of Community Reviews, you can check it out here. Remember, the biggest and best games, based on user review scores, will make the leaderboard showcasing what the IGN audience believes to be the best games of all time. So here is your chance to tell the world why you think a game you’ve played is the greatest – or worst – thing ever (or maybe somewhere in between). You can sign up for an IGN account to unlock the ability to create custom playlists, write user reviews, and more by clicking the Register button in the lower left of the page anywhere on IGN.
