Everyone’s favorite deal spotter, Xûr, is now live in Destiny 2 for the weekend until next week’s reset. If you’re looking to get your some shiny new Exotic armor or weapons for your Guardian, look no further.
Each week, Xûr has a random assortment of Exotic armor, one for each Guardian class, as well as a random Exotic Weapon and an Exotic Engram available for purchase. In addition to his Exotic wares, he’s got a random collection of Legendary weapons and armor to deck out your Guardians.
We’ve rounded up all the info on Xûr for the week including where to find Xûr, which Exotic weapons and armor are available, as well as which Legendary weapons you should pick up, either for PvE or PvP.
Where Is Xûr Today?
Xûr’s location today can be found at Watcher’s Grave on Nessus on May 5 through May 9. To reach him, travel to the landing point at Watcher’s Grave. When you arrive, make for the red moss-covered tree straight ahead. Climb up the roots and you’ll find Xûr waiting at the top to sell you exotic items and legendary weapons.
Xûr can be found atop the trees in Watcher’s Grave on Nessus.
What Is Xûr Selling This Weekend?
Xûr’s Exotic offerings this weekend.
Exotic Engram
The Queenbreaker – Exotic Linear Fusion Rifle
Ophidia Spathe – Exotic Hunter Chest Armor
- 15 Mobility
- 2 Resilience
- 17 Recovery
- 2 Discipline
- 13 Intellect
- 16 Strength
- Total: 65
Eternal Warrior – Exotic Titan Helmet
- 16 Mobility
- 4 Resilience
- 10 Recovery
- 6 Discipline
- 13 Intellect
- 12 Strength
- Total: 61
Phoenix Protocol – Exotic Warlock Chest Armor
- 15 Mobility
- 8 Resilience
- 11 Recovery
- 8 Discipline
- 23 Intellect
- 2 Strength
- Total: 67
The Hunter chestpiece might be of interest to you, but only if you’re one of those cape-wearers who cares about Mobility. Meanwhile, the undisputed best exotic in the game right now, Phoenix Protocol, has a very nice roll, but perhaps stats in all the wrong places. Still, definitely worth checking out for Warlocks — this is a very good exotic regardless.
Exotic Weapons
Each week Xûr sells Hawkmoon & Dead Man’s Tale.
Hawkmoon – Exotic Hand Cannon
- Paracausal Shot
- Polygonal Rifling
- Alloy Magazine
- Hip-Fire Grip
- Polymer Grip
Dead Man’s Tale – Exotic Scout Rifle
- Cranial Spike
- Fluted Barrel
- Ricochet Rounds
- Killing Wind
- Fitted Stock
Neither of these exotics got a good roll this week! I’d skip out and wait for some better rolls (like we got last week, for example).
Legendary Weapons
Xûr’s Legendary Weapon offerings this weekend.
Chroma Rush – Auto Rifle
- Arrowhead Brake/Hammer-Forged Rifling
- Tactical Mag/Steady Rounds
- Heating Up
- Rampage
- Reload Speed Masterwork
Deafening Whisper – Grenade Launcher
- Volatile Launch/Linear Compensator
- High-Velocity Rounds/Implosion Rounds
- Surplus
- Auto-Loading Holster
- Blast Radius Masterwork
Seventh Seraph Officer Revolver – Hand Cannon
- Arrowhead Brake/Extended Barrel
- Accurized Rounds/Tactical Mag
- Threat Detector
- Osmosis
- Reload Speed Masterwork
Planck’s Stride – Machine Gun
- Full Bore/Hammer-Forged Rifling
- Appended Mag/Steady Rounds
- Slickdraw
- Harmony
- Right Hook
- Reload Speed Masterwork
Enigma’s Draw – Sidearm
- Control SAS/Tactic SAS
- Extended Mag/Alloy Magazine
- Zen Moment
- Elemental Capacitor
- Handling Masterwork
IKELOS_SR_V1.0.3 – Sniper Rifle
- Chambered Compensator/Smallbore
- Seraph Rounds/Extended Mag
- Perpetual Motion
- High-Impact Reserves
- Rasutin’s Arsenal
- Stability Masterwork
Crown-Splitter/Eternit’s Edge/Quickfang – Sword
- [Rolls will vary by class]
My top picks this week would be Chroma Rush, which has Heating Up and Rampage (and pretty nice duo of perks), and Planck’s Stride, but only because we haven’t seen Xur sell it much before (the roll is nothing special). The Crown-Splitter roll for Titans is also pretty good this week — may actually be a God roll, but swords are quite out of fashion at the moment.
Warlock Legendary Armor
For Warlocks, Xûr is selling the Simulator set which include:
Xûr’s Legendary Armor for Warlocks this week.
Simulator Gloves
- 2 Mobility
- 16 Resilience
- 13 Recovery
- 17 Discipline
- 2 Intellect
- 10 Strength
- Total: 60
Simulator Chest Armor
- 13 Mobility
- 6 Resilience
- 12 Recovery
- 13 Discipline
- 2 Intellect
- 12 Strength
- Total: 58
Simulator Helmet
- 12 Mobility
- 2 Resilience
- 16 Recovery
- 6 Discipline
- 9 Intellect
- 14 Strength
- Total: 59
Simulator Leg Armor
- 7 Mobility
- 6 Resilience
- 18 Recovery
- 7 Discipline
- 17 Intellect
- 6 Strength
- Total: 61
Simulator Bond
Warlocks don’t have much in the way of exotic armor this week, possibly as punishment for their poor showing in Guardian Games.
Titan Legendary Armor
For Titans, Xûr is selling the Simulator set which include:
Xûr’s Legendary Armor for Titans this week.
Simulator Gauntlets
- 12 Mobility
- 9 Resilience
- 8 Recovery
- 6 Discipline
- 2 Intellect
- 23 Strength
- Total: 60
Simulator Chest Armor
- 2 Mobility
- 16 Resilience
- 10 Recovery
- 26 Discipline
- 2 Intellect
- 2 Strength
- Total: 58
Simulator Helmet
- 15 Mobility
- 9 Resilience
- 6 Recovery
- 18 Discipline
- 9 Intellect
- 6 Strength
- Total: 63
Simulator Leg Armor
- 20 Mobility
- 6 Resilience
- 6 Recovery
- 19 Discipline
- 6 Intellect
- 8 Strength
- Total: 65
Simulator Mark
The only armor piece of consequence are the boots, but unfortunately Mobility is sky-high and that’s almost always not something Titans want. Sad day.
Hunter Legendary Armor
For Hunters, Xûr is selling the Simulator set which include:
Xûr’s Legendary Armor for Hunters this week.
Simulator Grips
- 20 Mobility
- 6 Resilience
- 6 Recovery
- 17 Discipline
- 6 Intellect
- 6 Strength
- Total: 61
Simulator Chest Armor
- 9 Mobility
- 6 Resilience
- 16 Recovery
- 16 Discipline
- 12 Intellect
- 6 Strength
- Total: 65
Simulator Helmet
- 7 Mobility
- 9 Resilience
- 12 Recovery
- 7 Discipline
- 12 Intellect
- 10 Strength
- Total: 57
Simulator Leg Armor
- 9 Mobility
- 13 Resilience
- 7 Recovery
- 13 Discipline
- 2 Intellect
- 18 Strength
- Total: 62
Simulator Cloak
Hunters got a decent chest piece this week, with 65 stats overall and a fairly even distribution of stats across the board. Nothing spiky or exciting, but a reliable piece to have!
That’s a wrap on Xûr for this week, Guardians! What do you think of Bungie’s announced season pass price increases? If not, you might want to check out the raid guide we put together to guide guardians through Lightfall’s endgame activity.
Travis Northup is a writer for IGN. You can follow him on Twitter @TieGuyTravis and read his games coverage here.