![<a href="http://www.ign.com/articles/2008/07/25/lost-vikings-snes-review">Reviewed by: Travis Fahs</a><br />
Date: July 25, 2008<br />
This was the moment when we stood up and took notice; where Blizzard came into their own. It is smart, stylish, and different, and those are the same qualities we still look for today. ” src=”https://assets1.ignimgs.com/2017/10/29/001blizz-1509303262772.jpg?width=888&crop=16%3A9&quality=20&dpr=0.05″ class=”jsx-2920405963 progressive-image image jsx-2443717039 expand loading”></div>
<p>I also picked up a cool polearm-wielding desert mercenary sidekick. If you need any indication that it’s very much still Diablo 2 under all of these fancy graphics, don’t worry: He’s still stupid as a sack of bricks and gets stuck on walls constantly. That’s one of those date technical issues that might have been addressed.</p>
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Part of the delight of Diablo 2 is that it has a skill tree system you can use to build some truly strange characters.
There’s no shortage of options for skills and abilities, and part of the delight of Diablo 2 is that it has a skill tree system you can use to build some truly strange characters. It’s flexible enough that you can make ranged builds for the melee characters, like a crossbow Paladin that shoots explosive bolts. How about a Barbarian focused on the War Cry skill, who just runs around shouting until everything dies? How about a Sorceress who enchants weapons rather than nukes enemies from a distance? I’ve always wanted to try and make a Necromancer tank, personally – maybe I’ll finally get around to it.
There’s a ton of freedom… that is, if you’re willing to discard 20 years of accumulated Diablo 2 wisdom and take your chances. In many ways this game is “solved,” in that the best builds and their precise itemization have been thoroughly sussed out over the years. In other words, there are right and wrong decisions, but you won’t know that unless you look it up or spend a lot of time failing.
You’re welcome to play like it’s 2000 and not search out optimal builds, especially when playing on Normal. You can clear the campaign with pretty much anything if you’re dedicated enough, though once you’re in Hardcore or Hell difficulty melee characters are very dependent on getting good items to progress at any pace other than a snail’s.
However, while I’d normally encourage you to go in blind and experiment for yourself, I won’t in this case because some of Diablo 2’s design falls squarely into the “hasn’t aged well” category. For example, there are copious skill traps for new players, meaning that some abilities you might be tempted to choose don’t scale well past the early game, or aren’t useful unless you understand their synergies with other skills you won’t unlock until much later.
Straight-up broken things have been retained in the name of keeping the flavor of Diablo 2 the same as it’s always been.
Additionally, some straight-up broken things, like the infamous Next Hit Always Misses bug, have been retained in the name of keeping the flavor of Diablo 2 the same as it’s always been – but that’s something few people know about unless they do their homework. Unfortunately, this faithfulness to the original’s bugs seems to be without limits: Skills like the Amazon’s Fend and Druid’s Fury are still bugged, breaking when interacting with other common mechanics. These are known, documented bugs that have locked off entire character skills for 20 years. Why are they still in this game? Wouldn’t it have been wonderful and fresh to let us explore that still-undiscovered country?
To its credit, it’s worth saying that I’ve encountered barely any new bugs specific to Resurrected, and those I have seen have been minor graphical glitches that don’t affect gameplay – things like doors that don’t change visually when opened but can still be passed through, or an object overlaying a texture strangely. Nothing out of the ordinary for a modern game.
Diablo 4 – Character Art Gallery
I’m a little sad to see that Resurrected has retained Diablo 2’s arcane skill-reset system: You get just one respec per difficulty level, and the only way to get more is by farming the big bosses for rare items and then shoving them in your Horadric Cube. Unlimited respecs would’ve been a prime candidate for overhaul to make Resurrected more accessible to a new generation and mitigate the skill trap issue, and it’s something that could have been easily disabled for ladder play.
It’s a bit galling things like that weren’t addressed because the other big update in Resurrected is a similar quality-of-life change. Rather than picking up gold stack by stack, you instead automatically grab it when you pass by. There’s a difference between preserving the experience and maintaining a lack of respect for our time, and this change shows that a small tweak can go a long way towards removing tedium from the original game without ruining anything.
The moment-to-moment gameplay that made Diablo 2 legendary in its time is completely unchanged.
The moment-to-moment gameplay that made Diablo 2 legendary in its time, though, is completely unchanged. Exploration and combat still feel deeply familiar; it’s a festival of clicking (or, now, thumbsticking – great on both PC and console) where you want to go and hammering out hits on your enemies. It’s as wild and chaotic as an isometric action RPG ever is, but in the long view, over 20 years of game design innovation later, it’s also kind of… slow. Characters don’t move quickly, and running is limited by your stamina bar. Copious and consistent use of town portal scrolls (which both warp you back to base and let you return) generally avoids having to backtrack, but when you have to it’s annoying at best. Running also makes your character worse at blocking, if they have a shield.
Because of that, I didn’t make it out of Act 1 without looking up the combination of slotted runes that produces armor with a bonus to Run/Walk speed, if only for – again – my own quality of life. At times, Diablo 2 feels like fighting against bad game design from the late ‘90s, which could also be described as “the forces of Hell.” For example, loot in online multiplayer is shared so anybody in your party can pick it up if they get there first – which I’ve got nothing against – but the careful etiquette of who gets what isn’t reinforced by anything in the rules. I’ve already seen a lot of ninja-looting, and it sucks – and it’s exacerbated by controllers, which can ironically loot faster than mouse and keyboard setups.
Having to fight against the basic game mechanics like this isn’t fun in 2021, and it’ll be worse for new Diablo 2 players who expect this kind of thing to be dealt with by game designers instead of all of us deciding on unenforceable rules of etiquette.
I’ve got other problems, myself: How can Blizzard justify dropping support for LAN play? Why can’t I clone a multiplayer character into single-player? The latter is especially concerning, seeing as the servers have been temperamental at times and I’d rather not have to start from scratch when I want to play but the cloud doesn’t.
But none of those devils in the details has overcome the fact that it’s definitely fun. Diablo 2’s design has aged remarkably well as an example of a relatively uncomplicated isometric action RPG. Everyone has skills, yes, but they all interact with the same systems: Health, Mana, Stats. There’s no unique currency or meter to learn for every class, and combos are things you build rather than things you get from chains of esoteric item abilities and arcane end-game progression mechanics. It’s just a skill tree, a billion demons, and an infinite fountain of equipment. It is, as ever, a satisfying game.