As some of you may know, IGN was founded in 1996 and we began handing out our Game of the Year awards in 2001, leaving years of top games uncrowned. We decided to remedy this as part of ’90s Week, and this week’s Game Scoop decided to go year-by-year through the decade to crown a Game of the Year for each year, starting with 1990.
Since IGN wasn’t around at the beginning of the 1990s, we had to be a bit freeform with the science behind our judgment. Some games were awarded based on their historical importance, while others were simply our favorite games to come out that year. Some games, as you’ll see later on, qualified because of both. And while Game Scoop won’t pretend to speak for the entire IGN team, here are our picks for GOTY 90s edition.
1990 – TIE – Final Fantasy and Secret of Monkey Island
The year saw the beginnings of one of the most beloved and important RPG franchises of all time, but also one of the crowning achievements of the narrative-based, point-and-click genre. As such, we gave our Game of the Year in 1990 to both the first Final Fantasy and LucasArts’ Secret of Monkey Island.
1991 – Super Mario World
Was there ever any doubt that Game of the Year 1991 would go to one of the best Mario games of all time, one of the best SNES games of all time, and maybe even one of the best games of all time? Super Mario World was the home console game of 1991 and remains a joy to play decades later. That said, we did have a hard time choosing it over other iconic games such as Sonic the Hedghehog and more importantly Street Fighter 2, which would change the fighting game genre forever.
1992 – The Legend of Zelda: Link to the Past
A seminal moment for 2D Zelda games, Link to the Past beat out games like Mortal Kombat and Wolfenstein 3D for the timeless qualities that define all the best Zelda games. You’ll find our early 90s picks to be dominated by Nintendo thanks to their classic games like Link to the Past.
1993 – DOOM
Not only did DOOM revolutionize the shooter genre, it defined a generation and changed the popular perception of video games at large. While the panic among parents seems quaint by today’s standards, DOOM codified and distilled Generation X into its most primal, satisfying id with this iconic shooter.
1994 – Super Metroid
If you hear me praise a 90s Nintendo game for being timeless, it’s because the era saw many games that continue on today thanks to their lasting influence and pure fun. Super Metroid is a visually gorgeous game that still holds up today thanks to its sophisticated gameplay and deep exploration. It remains a speedrunner’s favorite as one of the main events of the annual Games Done Quick, and is replayed annually by Game Scoop panelist Justin Davis. Super Metroid isn’t just the best game of 1994, but maybe the most enduring from the ’90s.
1995 – Warcraft 2
Remember when game studios would follow up a game with an even better sequel a year later? Blizzard released Warcraft 2 a year after the first Warcraft, cementing the series’ status as a foundational pillar for one of the most beloved gaming companies of all time. Warcraft 2 improved everything over its predecessor, and set the stage for an even better Warcraft game in the early 2000s, before the series changed gaming forever with the MMORPG, World of Warcraft.
1996 – TIE – Super Mario 64 and Quake
Both Super Mario 64 and Quake revolutionized 3D gaming, dragging the medium from its 2D form into the polygon era. Super Mario 64 was unlike anything else before it and showcased how 3D could transform what was previously a 2D genre. But while Mario’s influence is undisputed, it’s the Quake revolution that we’re still feeling today thanks to the game’s real-time 3D rendering on one of the medium’s most popular genres: the first-person shooter.
1997 – Castlevania: Symphony of the Night. Runner-Up: Diablo
Our Game Scoop panel chose Symphony of the Night for one very simple reason: it is still an amazing game. While 1997 saw the release of some very good games, including Final Fantasy 7, with the hindsight of time and numerous new games in the series, only one stands the test of time in terms of quality and fun, and it’s not Square Enix’s 3D masterpiece but Konami’s side-scrolling gothic adventure.
1998 – TIE – Half-Life and Metal Gear Solid
It’s hard to overstate just how important Half-Life’s blend of epic sci-fi storytelling and state-of-the-art physics was to games, but also just how mind-blowing it all was when it was first released in 1998. However, go back and play Metal Gear Solid (or play it for the first time) and you’ll be surprised just how modern Hideo Kojima’s 3D opus is in 2023. Not only is the first Metal Gear Solid still fun to play, but the themes it discusses, such as nuclear proliferation and genetic enhancements, are still relevant over two decades later.
1999 – Soulcalibur
Rounding out the ’90s might be a surprise for some, but remains a personal favorite of the Omega Cops. Bandai Namco’s Soulcalibur wasn’t just an excellent fighting game, but a breath of fresh air compared to the relatively serious fighting game offerings like Street Fighter and Tekken. Getting a ring out remains hugely satisfying when playing against friends, and there’s still no character selection as wild and varied as the ones in Soulcalibur.
These are Game Scoop’s picks for the Game of the Year for each year of the ’90s! Let us know in the comments how you feel about our picks or let us know which you’d choose in their place.