The House of Black has been a formidable group ever since they made their debut earlier this year. It first started with Brody King aligning himself with Malakai Black. Eventually, Buddy Matthews joined the two and formed the new group. They are set for in-ring action as well now.
AEW’s Twitter account officially announced that House of Black’s Brody King, Buddy Matthews and Malakai Black will square off against Fuego Del Sol and The Dark Order’s Evil Uno and Stu Grayson during next week’s episode of AEW Rampage.
The six-man match was booked after Fuego called out House of Black on this week’s AEW Rampage. Feugo talked about last Friday’s six-man match, where the House of Black defeated Fuego and Bear Country.
After the match, the group beat down Fuego Del Sol. When they were leaving, The Dark Order confronted them and the match was announced for next week. We’ll have to see which group will end up winning on next week’s episode of AEW Rampage.
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