AEW Battle Of The Belts II is going down tonight and Ringside News has got you covered with live results coverage.
The show will kick off at 8:00 PM and match by match coverage of the show will take place on this very page. Feel free to leave any reactions from the show in the comment below. The card for tonight is as follows:
- AEW Women’s World Championship: Thunder Rosa vs. Nyla Rose
- TNT Championship: Scorpio Sky vs. Sammy Guevara
- ROH World Championship: Jonathan Gresham vs. Dalton Castle
Commentary welcomes us to the show and the first man out tonight is Sammy Guevara! Sammy is accompanied to the ring by Tay Conti and they have a smooch on the stage. The TNT Champion, Scorpio Sky is out next accompanied to the ring by Ethan Page and Dan Lambert.
TNT Championship: Scorpio Sky vs. Sammy Guevara
Guevara fights Sky into the corner, Sky powers out with a double leg takedown. Sky with strikes on the mat, in the corner, Sky bites at Sammy. Guevara fights out of the corner with chops, then high elbows. There are boos for Guevara. Guevara with a backdrop, then more strikes on the mat. “Lets Go Sammy/Sammy Sucks” chants.
Guevara escapes a TKO, then hits a chop to the chest, Sky with chops of his won, Guevara with a lariat. Guevara hits a dropkick, Sky escapes the ring. Guevara follows Sky out of the ring and throws Sky into the barricade. Sky drops Guevara throat first onto the barricade. Sky with a bodyslam on the outside, Guevara with a back elbow then hits a moonsault off the steel steps. Sky hits a TKO on the apron!
Picture in Picture.
Sky with strikes in the corner, Guevara falls out of the ring. Sky throws Sammy back in the ring and hits a big backbreaker. Sky hits another backbreaker. “One More Time” chants. Sky hits a 3rd backbreaker, Guevara escapes a 4th and then hits an enziguri to huge boos. Guevara with clotheslines, then hits the Spanish
Fly, cover, 2 count.
Guevara with a flying back kick, climbs to the top, Page runs down and drags Sky out of the ring. Conti gets in his face, Guevara hits a Shooting Star Press onto Page and Sky on the outside! Back in the ring, Sky gets an inside cradle, 2 count. Guevara with an enziguri, Guevara goes for a Springboard Cutter, but slips and doesn’t get all of it. Guevara covers, 2 count. Lambert distracts the ref, Conti slaps Sky’s hands, Guevara covers, 2 count.
Lambert and Page call to the back and Paige VanZant runs down and she and Conti brawl on the ramp. Sky with an eye poke, Guevara hits a low blow! Guevara turns heel? Guevara hits the GTH, cover, 1, 2, 3!
WINNER: “And New” TNT Champion, Sammy Guevara!
Guevara gets the belt and celebrates by kissing Conti on the stage!
Commercial Break.
Video package for the ROH World Championship, Gresham vs. Castle. Dalton Castle makes his entrance first, The Boys accompany Castle to the ring. The ROH World Champion, Jonathan Gresham is out next. Both men shakes hands before the match.
ROH World Championship: Jonathan Gresham vs. Dalton Castle
Lock up, Castle gets to the ropes. Castle picks the arm, arm wringer, Gresham reverse into a headlock takeover, Castle escapes the ring. The Boys fan Castle on the outside. Castle with a takedown, gutwrench suplex. Castle with a back elbow, then a clothesline, into a high boot, Gresham with a hurricanrana. Gresham witha kick to the knee then a big dropkick.
Picture in Picture.
The Boys fan Castle on the outside, Gresham dives to the outside but Castle dodges, Castle hits a hurricanrana off the apron. Both men comically duck under each other’s strikes, Gresham with an elbow, Castle with an overhead throw. Castle with a suplex, Gresham with a back elbow, Castle with an over head throw, cover, 2 count. Castle with a waistlock, Gresham gets a high boot, Castle catches a dive and goes for the Bangerang, Gresham gets a rollup, 2 count. Rollups back and forth, 2 counts all around.
Gresham with an enziguri, Castle hits a lariat. Gresham stomps on the foot and gets the Octopus submission! Castle collapse and gives up!
WINNER: “And Still” ROH World Champion, Jonathan Gresham!
Gresham offers a handshake after the match… Castle shakes.