AEW started things out saying that they would change the way pro wrestling operates. They also made quips about how they will not come at fans for creating videos and animated gifs. It seems as though they have backed away from that initial idea.
Maffew from Botchamania tweeted out to inform fans that there is something strange going on with AEW and YouTube right now. The company is coming at videos with a new vigor right now. His video is “about 3 seconds away” from getting deleted now.
not sure what’s going on with AEW/YouTube today but
– the AEW music channel only has 4 videos remaining
– channels like @Dre41Gaming have had strikes on videos covering AEW Games
– I’ve had 7 videos removed/2 copyright strikes & am about 3 seconds away from a channel deletion
at the end of the day it’s their footage and if they’ve decided “actually you highlighting our worst moments isn’t cool anymore”, I can hardly cry foul (still sucks though)
Aubrey Edwards tweeted back to Maffew. She told him to “hang tight,” because they have apparently been working to fix this all morning.
Yo! We’ve been working on resolving this all morning (which is why I haven’t tweeted anything until now). Hang tight!
As of this writing, it appears as though AEW is still copyright striking videos. This interaction also brought others to come forward with their own stories about AEW coming at them for posting fan edits and other tribute videos.