Big E Says New Day Got Pushback For Dragon Ball Z Gear

By | November 27, 2021

The New Day are known for their colorful and unique gear. They have paid tribute to many different things throughout their gear, but one notable design got a bit of pushback at first.

The Illuminerdi recently spoke to Big E where he admitted that his faction received some pushback from WWE for their WrestleMania 32 Dragon Ball Z gear. There was nothing that they could really do about it once the fans saw that gear.

It all came down to licensing, because Dragon Ball Z is not a property that WWE has the rights to. Then again that also seems to be a reason behind many things around Vince McMahon’s company.

“We did get some pushback on the Dragonball stuff [after WrestleMania 32],” Big E recalled. “But we’re of the impression – especially for WrestleMania where it’s a one-off – it’s like, [once you’re] out there and wear it, you can yell at us all you want to stop wearing it because it was a one-off. We’re done with it anyways.\

“But I will say I do like the fact that Mattel – I like when Mattel can make all the elements [for action figures]. So I was a little bummed that they couldn’t make the Dragon Ball Z shells even though – like, that – the packaging for that gear that came in the Booty-O’s box and you open it up – which is very fitting because we came out of the Booty-O’s box at that WrestleMania in Dallas, I believe. So sometimes we get [flagged]. I feel like there’s only been, like, two or three instances that I can think of, but it’s never really been a big deal at all. It’s just sometimes it gets flagged.”

We’ll have to see if New Day are able to bring back the Dragon Ball Z concept later on in a way that WWE can really use to their advantage. No matter whether people in the office wanted the New Day to bust out that gear, tons of fans were still very happy to see that mash-up.

What’s your take on this story? Sound off in the comments!

Thanks to Wrestling Inc for the quote

November 27, 2021 9:44 pm

H Jenkins

I love pro wrestling and hate BS. These two things drive me.
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Pro beachballs at pro wrestling shows, pro dives if someone catches, anti bullies, olives, and pineapples on pizza.
