Big E truly had a long and difficult road to the top of WWE. After a solid run on NXT, he was called up to the main roster but was eventually lost in the shuffle. Big E now wants to face off against a true pro wrestling legend as well.
While Big E is certainly one of the most positive people in the company, even he isn’t immune to suffering from crushing lows during his career which made him feel lost.
Big E previously made it clear that he really wanted to square off against Goldberg at WWE Crown Jewel last month. In fact, Big E even recently stated that he wants to retire Goldberg for good.
While speaking with Newsday, Big E revealed that while he has been lobbying to square off against Goldberg – there isn’t anyone better than The Rock as far as being an opponent is concerned.
“I would love that. If the opportunity comes along, of course I’m snatching it up. I don’t know if I’d lobby for it. The one that I’ve been lobbying for is the Goldberg match, because he was my idol as a kid. But, you don’t get any better than the Rock. As far as I know, he’s still the biggest box office draw in Hollywood, and he’s from WWE.”
That, in and of itself, is incredible. What he did in this company — just being absurdly charismatic and entertaining — he is the blueprint. He broke the mold. You know, when people ask me about my proudest career accomplishment, I often will cite our promo segment with the Rock. It wasn’t even a match. We just had a promo segment with the Rock a few years ago. Going out there and taking a Rock Bottom, that was pretty wild, pretty cool. So I would absolutely love that match, for sure.”
Fans also have been clamoring to see The Rock square off against Roman Reigns in the future. It remains to be seen whether The Rock will face Roman Reigns or Big E first eventually.
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November 19, 2021 6:51 am