Cody Rhodes’ pectoral muscle was wrecked at Hell in a Cell, but he still wrestled Seth Rollins and he won. Brandi Rhodes was paying close attention and adding to the conversation on Twitter.
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When Brandi Rhodes heard the news that her husband was still going through with his Hell in a Cell match, she tweeted out to put him over huge. “I’ve never met anyone more committed to the fans or the business. I’ll be watching in support with you all,” Brandi Rhodes sent out on Twitter.
During the match, things got a bit tense. She sent out a tweet that said, “Sweating and smoking knee pads.” The emojis she included hinted at the idea that she was a bit concerned. After Cody Rhodes won, Brandi returned to Twitter and sent a message about what she will tell her daughter, Liberty, if she is ever told that she can’t do something.
Liberty better not ever tell me “I can’t”. I’m gonna have this match cued up faster than she can finish her sentence. Never imagined he would be able to finish that match…and win.
Cody Rhodes won at Hell in a Cell and is now the bona fide #1 babyface in the entire company. The bad part is that pectoral injury is legit and it looks like he will need surgery if all that bruising is any indication of things. Hopefully, Rhodes will get back to television soon, but an injury like that could take a while to get better.