Bryan Danielson made his AEW debut at September’s All Out PPV. Danielson wrote a thank you letter to WWE for the great experience he had working for them. Despite this, many WWE fans expressed anger towards Danielson.
Danielson was featured prominently in WWE programing before his departure from WWE. Danielson was even part of the main event from this year’s WrestleMania for the Universal Championship. Ever the fan favorite, Danielson’s defection to AEW lead to many harsh comments towards the American Dragon.
Danielson appeared on ABC 6 Action News in Philadelphia where he discussed the messages he received. Danielson mentioned that he received death threats directed at himself and his child. Danielson described the comments as “weird” and attributed the harsh comments to a feeling of tribalism among fans.
So, it just felt, it’s weird. You know, there’s a decent amount of tribalism in our culture today where it’s like people are, you know, say politically. If you’re right, everything on the left is bad. If you’re left, everything on the right is bad and same thing with wrestling. There’s WWE fans, and they would — the worst ones would be like sending death threats to me on Instagram or not death threats but, ‘I hope you die’ or, ‘I hope your son dies’ or something like that. But, that’s a small minority. I think wrestling fans for the most part are great people and great humans but what it does is it tells you — it’s kind of like conspiracy theories. The really bad conspiracy theories so like flat earth or something like that. It’s like, you don’t listen to the flat earthers. Why do they — the issue is distrust, right? They don’t have a trust, so the most hardcore of these people who are saying these horrible things, well they’re mad. Why are they mad? ‘Well because we supported you for years and years and we’re the ones who pushed you to this level and we feel like you’ve betrayed us and we feel like you left us’ and that sort of thing.”
Danielson did express an overall positive view on wrestling fans as a whole. Danielson has reacted calmly and has provided the reasoning of fans feeling betrayed as why they’ve angrily messaged him.
Danielson is currently a major figure in the AEW World Championship scene. Danielson is beloved by the AEW fans and appears to be just as prominent in AEW as he was before he left WWE.
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h/t to ABC 6 Action News for the quotes