The rumor mill was churning in a huge way after it was revealed how much heat Charlotte Flair has on her in WWE. A backstage incident after SmackDown last week caused reports to flood in. After all, she was escorted out of the building by security. Meanwhile, Bayley is out of action with an injury and likely reading the news along with everyone else.
Charlotte Flair and Bayley both trended on social media today, but it was for entirely different reasons. Where most people trolled the news of Charlotte Flair’s backstage heat, Bayley received a flood of tweets from fans who miss her.
Bayley also tweeted out a photo of her Hell In A Cell match today along with a nice caption which read, “Someday I will have my 3rd HIAC match and it WILL be in front of actual PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Someone is done for.”
One fan tweeted out their hopes to see Bayley at WrestleMania 38 in Dallas, “WrestleMania is 2 nights again. I hope y’all know some version of Sasha, Char, Becky and Maybe Bayley is main eventing one of them. So get your tears out now.”
One fan tweeted out to say, “It doesn’t make Charlotte Flair a bad person, but she has all of the symptoms of someone who is out of control is many other aspects of their life, and mentally out of it, so she tries to exert control over what she thinks she can control, and becomes ultra paranoid as a result.”
Another trolled the Flair news a bit by adding fuel to the fire with their own hot tip, “Sources backstage at WWE say that Charlotte Flair also burned their crops, poisoned their water supply, and delivered a plague unto their houses.”
Pro wrestling Twitter loves to have something to talk about and they certainly have a couple women to discuss in WWE right now. You can check out a variety of tweets below.
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