Chelsea Green got the ball rolling as soon as WWE released her. She dropped merchandise, got a podcast going, tried to get connections at Playboy, and she was slapped with a cease and desist.
The Hot Mess tweeted out to ask fans if getting hit with a cease and desist letter means that someone has really made it. She didn’t give any more details from there.
Have you really made it if you haven’t been hit with a Cease & Desist?
A very short time later, Green’s podcast, formerly called “50 Shades Of Green,” changed its name. Obviously, the erotica series didn’t appreciate the similarities in that name.
It appears that Chelsea Green was hit with a cease and desist order from whoever owns the 50 Shades Of Grey name. It seems like a lesson learned, but Chelsea just changed her podcast name to “Green With Envy” to answer back.