CM Punk got a little bit over-zealous during a Twitter Q&A when he said that a match against “Stone Cold” Steve Austin would have been over in seconds. All Punk would need is a GTS and a pinfall. Austin can’t believe he said that.
The quote from Punk was turned into a meme by Bleacher Report. The Rattlesnake was tagged in the post and he responded saying:
Horseshit. @CMPunk Punk didn’t say that. Y’all made that shit up.
CM Punk saw this tweet pop up in his mentions. He replied with: “I’d never say that. Steve is right. Gimme an oh hell yeah.” Obviously, Punk did say it and you can see the screenshot below just in case he decides to delete the tweet.
We’ll have to see if Austin can get Punk on an episode of the Broken Skull Sessions so they can discuss this in person.