Dakota Kai spent another birthday in the United States this year. For her 33rd, she was given a very special gift, something that’s always piqued her interest. Now she is officially a drummer.
The NXT Superstar posted a video of herself on social media. She was seated behind a brand new electronic drum kit. She’s just learning, but Kai has always had her eye on being a drummer. Now she can learn from the comfort of her own home.
Thank you for all the birthday wishes – you all have my heart
I got gifted this drum kit as I’ve always wanted to learn. So here’s day 1 footage of me learning the basics so you all can hold me accountable on progress. I’ve just purchased a metronome fyi
Dakota Kai is just learning, but she’s already coming along. It’s a slow and steady process to learn any musical instrument, but she’s likely to pick up on it without any issues. You can check out her video below.