WWE revealed that Drew McIntyre has tested positive for COVID-19. This is unlike the company that usually keeps positive COVID-19 test results under wraps.
Ringside News can confirm that Drew McIntyre is not the only current case of COVID-19 on the main roster. A member of the SmackDown roster tested positive as well.
Out of respect of privacy, we will not be revealing the name of the infected SmackDown Superstar. We can confirm that they are currently involved in a television storyline.
The company was a bit upset when Renee Young revealed her positive COVID-19 test result. They also did not like AJ Styles revealing his positive test result after the fact. The general rule is that WWE does not release such information.
It is unusual that WWE announced Drew McIntyre tested positive for COVID-19. It does go against their self-mandated protocol to keep such news out of the public.
Our thoughts are with everyone who is dealing with a difficult circumstance due to the COVID-19 pandemic.