Hulk Hogan Says It Was His Goal To Wrestle ‘Stone Cold’ Steve Austin

By | April 3, 2021

Hulk Hogan and Steve Austin never got to have their big match in a WWE ring. They didn’t make it happen at WrestleMania because Rock faced the Hulkster instead, leaving Austin to a much more forgettable match against Scott Hall.

During After The Bell, Hulk Hogan explained that it was his intention to get to a program with The Texas Rattlesnake. Obviously, that didn’t pan out, but it was his apparent intention to have that big money feud.

“My whole goal was to have that run with The Rock and then focus on Stone Cold. Because, as a heel, I could’ve put him over everywhere. If they could’ve put the belt back on me, he could’ve chased me – and like Stone Cold says, ‘If there’s money to be made, let’s make it, brother.’”

“That was my goal. It was to get him in that Hulk Hogan zone and make him realize – he’d been beat up pretty bad with his neck and a bunch of stuff – I just wanted him to realize the way you go to the ring, the way you feel, was the same way you’re going to feel after working with me on the way back. It’s going to be nice and easy, but we’re going to tear the house down.”

Fans will never know how Hulk Hogan would have sold a Stone Cold Stunner. We can’t imagine that it would top hos The Rock took Austin’s famous finisher.
