Impact Wrestling’s Hard to Kill pay-per-view is going down tonight and Ringside News has got you covered with live results coverage.
The main show will kick off at 8:00 PM EST and the preshow starts at 7:00 PM EST. Match by match coverage of the show will take place on this very page. Feel free to leave any reactions from the show in the comment below below.
They run down the matches with preview video packages.
Kenny Omega is shown in his bus with Don Callis and The Good Brothers. They hype tonight’s match against Rich Swann, Chris Sabin & Moose.
More hype and video packages for tonight after a short break.
Sami Callahan cuts a promo about his match against Eddie Edwards tonight.
Back from another short break and the Impact panel reacts to Sami’s promo he just cut.
Preshow match: Brian Myers vs. Josh Alexander
Brian Myers comes up first, followed by Josh Alexander. The match starts off with locks and holds. Josh is in control of the match early on. He connects with a dive to the outside of the ring. The two make it back into the ring where they continue to battle. Josh climbs the top rope but is tossed to the outside of the ring. We go to break.
Back from the short break and Myers is in control. They continue to do several locks and holds. They do this one spot where they both punch each other and go down. Myers actually ends up falling to the outside of the ring.
Back in the ring, Josh connects with a huge boot. Myers goes down. Josh locks in an ankle lock but Brian escapes. Myers bounces off the turnbuckle and Josh rolls him up for a two count.
Myers comes off the top rope but Josh rolls him up for a two count. Both men are up and Josh connects with some blows. Josh gets Myers down again and he has the ankle lock hold on Myers. Myers pulls down his headgear and connects with a clothesline for the win.
Ace Austin joins the pre-show panel and he’s offended that he’s not on the card. They cut Ace off and he’s not happy about it. That concluded the preshow.
Main show
Video opening package is played.
Tenille Dashwood & Kaleb vs. Rosemary & Crazzy Steve
Rosemary & Crazzy Steve are out first, followed by Tenille Dashwood and Kaleb. Crazzy Steve and Kaleb start off the match. Lots of back in forth before the women are tagged in. Tenille is visibly in control. Rosemary eventually makes the tag to Crazzy Steve.
Steve comes in full force connecting with several blows. Tenille tries to distract Crazzy Steve and he chases her around the ring before he gets caught by Kaleb when getting back into the ring. Kaleb now in control, tags in Dashwood. She puts on a wristlock before tagging Kaleb back in.
Rosemary is finally tagged in. She takes control of the match before tagging Steve back in. Tenille manages to escape and tags in Kaleb. Steve gets the upper hand before Kaleb superkicks Rosemary in the face. Steve sprays Green Mist into the face of Dashwood.
Kaleb goes after Rosemary and she sprays Green Mist into his face. Crazzy Steve connects with a tornado DDT for the win.
Video package is shown for Eric Young, Deaner, and Joe Doering vs Cousin Jake, Rhino, and Tommy Dreamer.
Eric Young, Deaner, and Joe Doering vs Cousin Jake, Rhino, and Tommy Dreamer
Eric Young’s team out first followed by Cousin Jake’s team. The match starts off with seemingly everyone in the ring attacking each other. One point of the match, Dreamer hits the cutter on Eric Young. Tommy has now brought weapons into the match. Jake, Rhino and Dreamer have Deaner surrounded welding chairs but Deaner manages to get the upper hand.
Young’s team is now in control of the match. Doering breaks a kendo stick in half over his leg before going to the outside of the ring. On the outside he charges Rhino but misses and hits the ring post. Dream is inside the ring and he pours out thumb tacks in the ring before Eric Young comes at him. Dreamer drops Young into the tacks. Deaner DDT’s Rhino inside the ring. Eric Young hits a piledriver on Cousin Jake for the three count.
Backstage segment with Moose, Chris Sabin and Rich Swann. Moose says they are going to kick some ass tonight.
Knockouts Tag Team Titles: Havok and Nevaeh vs Kiera Hogan and Tasha Steelz
Kiera Hogan & Tasha Steelz are out first, followed by Havok & Nevaeh. The bell rings and all the women start attacking each other. Eventually Havok and Hogan are in the ring.
The match is all over the place. Hogan tries to pin but only gets a two count. Don’t even think they are tagging each other. Prison Rules? Havok is in control momentarily but misses a leg drop and Hogan puts her down for a two count pinfall.
Steelz is now putting the boots to Havok as she is now in control the match. Fire and Desire has Havok in the corner and they are getting the best of her. Hogan goes for the pinfall but only gets a two count. Steelz gets Havok in several headlocks as Havok struggles to make the tag. Nevaeh now in the ring and she takes control of the match.
Nevaeh gets Steelz down for the two count. Back on their feet now, Havok does a spot where she slams both women at the same time. Hogan hits a spinning neck breaker on Nevaeh to pick up the win. Nevaeh & Kiera Hogan are the new Women Tag Team Champions.
Ace Austin out now. He doesn’t have a match tonight and he’s not happy about his interview being cut at the panel before the show. Ace is demanding that he’s named the #1 contender for the X Division title and calls Scott D’Amore out.
The below matches are the matches yet to take place tonight…
Kenny Omega & Good Brothers vs Rich Swann, Chris Sabin & Moose
X Division Title
Manic vs Chris Bey vs Rohit Raju
Knockouts Title
Deonna Purrazzo vs Taya Valkyrie
Eddie Edwards vs Sami Callihan – Barbed Wire Massacre
Karate Man vs Ethan Page