The Iron Sheik has made a career out of roasting Hulk Hogan. The long-retired wrestling star pulls no punches with his constant social media insults of The Hulkster. Today, Sheiky Baby blasted Hogan for constantly lying.
In a response to a tweet asking about the most intense rivalry in sports, The Iron Sheik responded with another burn on Hulk Hogan. Sheik said that to him, the biggest rivalry is Hulk Hogan vs the truth.
The Iron Sheik never lets up in his ongoing campaign to terrorize Hulk Hogan. Last year, he called him a dumb son of a bitch on his birthday. He has also accused Hogan of being “the jabroni of the Earth.”
Sheik’s ongoing hatred of Hulk Hogan stems from their famous match in 1984. Hulkamania was born when Hogan defeated The Iron Sheik to win the WWF title. Ever since then, Sheik has been relentless in his attacks on Hulk.
In the past, The Iron Sheik has compared Hulk Hogan to just about every bad thing that hits the news cycle. Today, he co-opted a completely unrelated tweet to drag Hogan. While some find the act old, others will never get tired of Sheik’s endless bashing of one of the greatest wrestling superstars of all time.
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