AEW released Ivelisse from her deal with the company and there was a lot of fan intrigue surrounding that decision. It was widely known that Ivelisse had issues elsewhere, but AEW gave her a shot.
During Keeping It 100, Konnan said that Ivelisse had “major heat” with Jack Evans prior to entering AEW. This heat came from Lucha Underground and it got so bad that Evans allegedly challenged Ivelisse to a legit fight.
Ivelisse fired back at what Konnan said with two Instagram stories. She wanted to clear things up and give her own perspective on the matter.
Confirmation Evans did try to fight me (a female) for merely speaking as an equal, and there were witnesses to it all, which was disappointing cause I really wanted to work with him then, and no I didnt back down. And anyone who thinks thats funny is incredibly ignorant. It hurt to know I have to worry about being physically challenged in a my place of work for merely speaking as an equal. I just get the worse of everything cause Im a FEMALE. I was let go of WWE for speaking up about the bully Bill Demott which eventually they couldn’t cover up anymore and it all came out the countless abusive things covered of him. Keep digesting the disproving train.
Umm how about you fire who laughed too?
Ivelisse was let go from AEW and the company has moved on. Now we will have to see where Ivelisse goes next because she’s already traveled to just about every pro wrestling company on the planet at this point.
Do you blame AEW for letting Ivelisse go? Sound off in the comments!