Kayla Braxton Complains About Her ‘First World Problem’

By | September 18, 2021

Kayla Braxton lives a pretty great life with WWE, but there are always things in her life that annoy her. She was able to blow off some steam online recently about not getting her food hot because her Uber Eats came via bicycle.

The WWE The Bump host logged onto Twitter and dropped this little thought for her fans. She acknowledged that this was a “first world problem,” but still felt the need to let out this little gripe.

First world problem coming up :

Not a fan of Uber Eats Bicycle. Food is never prompt or warm. You should at least get a way cheaper delivery fee if it’s being delivered on a bike, especially since you don’t even get to choose. If you disagree, tell me why below.

We’ll have to see if Uber Eats contacts Miss Braxton to ask her opinion about more matters. In the meantime, she had her Twitter audience to vent about this little bit of annoyance for her.

What’s your take on this story? Sound off in the comments!

September 18, 2021 7:30 pm

H Jenkins

I love pro wrestling and hate BS. These two things drive me.
Years of experience in writing, journalism, and digging exclusive insider info for Ringside News. Worked in finance before realizing pro wrestling journalism made much less sense.
Pro beachballs at pro wrestling shows, pro dives if someone catches, anti bullies, olives, and pineapples on pizza.
