We are very sad to learn about the passing of Paul Mooney. The legendary comedian suffered a heart attack and died at the age of 79-years-old.
Best known as a writer for Richard Pryor, Mooney was also a headlining comedian in his own right. He traveled the country and packed clubs full of people eager to hear his take on the world. Nobody wrote things quite like Mooney and that legend followed him.
Some might know Mooney best for his roles as Junebug in Bamboozled or Sam Cooke in The Buddy Holly Story. His most well-known role was as part of Chappelle’s Show where he did the recurring “Ask A Black Dude” segments.
Roland Martin was first to break this sad news. He was given this information by Mooney’s cousin Rudy Ealy who the legendary comedian was living with at the time of his passing.
BREAKING NEWS: Rudy Ealy, the cousin of @PaulEalyMooney, told me that Paul had been suffering with dementia for some time and had been living with him. Rudy said Oakland paramedics valiantly tried to save him after suffering a heart attack this AM.
Our thoughts are with Paul Mooney’s family and fans at this time. He made millions laugh all over the world during his life, even if they didn’t know he was the man behind some of those classic Richard Pryor routines.
You can check out a video and plenty of tributes below to remember the legend.