WWE Hall Of Famer Mick Foley is considered a legend in the pro wrestling industry. Mick Foley worked in other companies and also worked with numerous top stars in the industry. This included the likes of Ric Flair as well and Mrs. Foley’s Baby Boy wasn’t ready for the real Nature Boy.
Both Ric Flair and Mick Foley have so many stories to share and many of them are simply bizarre, to say the least. The Nature Boy had punched Foley in the face after Foley had disrespected him backstage in WWE.
While speaking on Ric Flair’s podcast Wooooo Nation Uncensored, Mick Foley talked about how he was not ready for how angry Ric Flair would be in real life.
“Ric Flair went to shake my hands, and I would not shake his hand, and I said, ‘You want to sign this book for me?’ I had envisioned a lot of scenarios, and never once did I envision Ric getting up and punching me.
It never even entered my mind. When they were pulling me apart, Rhino was the main guy holding me back. He didn’t have to work very hard to hold me back because I was not really trying to make forward progress. Ric’s anger just caught me off guard, like I never saw it coming.”
Mick Foley also had shockingly low payment in his first WWE contract. Foley and Flair have a much better relationship right now, so that is certainly what matters now.
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