Donald Trump only has a couple of weeks left in the White House, and Mike Bennett had a word for Trump supporters. This turned into quite a debate.
The former WWE Superstar tweeted out to say that Donald Trump doesn’t care about anyone except himself. He said if any of his supporters showed up at his home, then he would have them arrested.
Not sure what followers of mine need to hear this, but Donald Trump does not care about you. If you showed up at one of his properties he would have you arrested. He does not love you. He loves one person, himself. I hope some day you guys will see that.
One fan replied to Bennett saying that Joe Biden doesn’t care about him either, and “politicians are bullsh*t.” Mike Bennett replied and started a discussion that became a lengthy debate with fans.
Not once did I say he did. But I also didn’t see anyone violently storming the capitol building and putting up Biden signs.
This fan replied saying: “No, they were burning down buildings and putting small businesses out of business. I hate all political violence. You do realize, that we are saying the same thing but in a different way.” Mike Bennett saw that response in his mentions, and he replied.
No. That is where you are wrong. BLM wants equal rights and police to stop killing them. Trump attached them to Biden as an enemy to point at. What happened yesterday was a violent protest because Trump lost a free and fair election. They are not the same.
Another Trump supporter tweeted back at Bennett saying that Black Lives Matter supporters want something they have no right to, but Trump supporters just want the legal votes counted. Mike Bennett replied to this fan by citing the recent events of over 60 cases being thrown out from the Trump campaign.
60 cases thrown out of court. Many Trump appointed judges. That’s not what you want. There’s no evidence. You want to overthrow the will of the people. If you really wanted justice then 60 court cases would be enough. It’ll never be enough.
This back and forth between Bennett and fans continued for a while. Eventually, one fan replied saying: “I went to work everyday like an adult and wow no virus maybe you should try it.” This caused the former Mike Kanellis to fire back a reply that blamed a certain Trump supporter for him losing his job.
I got fired because a Trump supporter said the virus was going to hurt his profits. Instead he made record profits.
Mike Bennett didn’t name the Trump supporter who cost him his job, but there are several to choose from at the top of WWE. The debate will continue to be waged for quite some time. Hopefully, people can remain congenial about things.