MJF is one of the most open and provocative superstars in the AEW. He gives it straight to the people, but also cuts amazing promos. This is why he’s often likened to WWE’s The Miz.
However, MJF on Twitter is a whole another deal. You dial courage, honesty and anger a huge couple of knots, and you get a man who would not tolerate any attempts of malignance and trolling upon himself.
Something similar happened when MJF posted a selfie of his ripped physique with the caption “born better.” Travis Hall, a Twitter user, made a snide remark that MJF admitted to not working hard as an AEW wrestler and receives entitlement as a white man in wrestling. MJF wasn’t having any of it, and went on a rant.
I’m glad you can admit “hard work” has nothing to do with your success as a white man in wrestling.
MJF pointed out that he is not considered a standard white male by those who vandalize the places of worship for people of Jewish faith. He even mentioned the Holocaust and used it to prove that Jewish people have suffered a lot as a minority.
You think antisemites and klansman who attack Jews and vandalize our places of worship daily consider me to be a normal white guy? You think 6 million+ of my people who were viciously murdered were considered privileged? Sorry it’s not cool to talk about me being a minority
Sorry I don’t fit your category of making my company diverse.
MJF then replied to his tweet, stating that he’s sorry for not meeting the fan’s criteria for diversity in the company. He then lashed out at his fans, stating that he does not want their likes. You can see the exchange down below.
What’s your take on this story? Sound off in the comments!