MJF is one of AEW’s top heels and that is evident by the way he conducts himself in person and online. He lives the bad guy gimmick and he recently found a way to really get under the skin of some fans.
Twitter user @SkinnyMysterio sent out a question to ask: “fellas do lil booties matter??” This is what brought Cee Hawk to reply: “F*CK NO.”
MJF might be in Cee Hawk’s camp on this one. The Salt Of The Earth replied back to say that he isn’t going to spend much time with a lady unless she has something to offer in that department.
Bruh. They ain’t got no ass your boy MJF finna pass.
Some fans might be very turned off by MJF’s obviously chauvinistic remark. Then again, he is one of pro wrestling’s top heels for a reason. MJF also doesn’t care where he is generating heat as long as people hate him.
What’s your take on this story? Sound off in the comments!