WWE Hall Of Famer Molly Holly is a true veteran in the pro wrestling world and was one of the highlights of the women’s division in WWE during the early 2000s. The WWE women’s division is certainly much different compared to what it used to be a couple of decades ago.
Top performers such as Trish Stratus, Molly Holly, and Lita took part in matches such as bra and panties matches, a paddle of a pole, and wrestling in a pool of gravy, which were degrading for them.
While speaking on X-Pac’s Pro Wrestling 4 Life podcast. Molly Holly revealed the time a WWE agent suggested Holly to ‘motorboat’ Trish Stratus.
“Before Fit Finlay became our agent, they had tried out a few other agents, and I’m not going to name names,” Molly Holly said. “There is an old school wrestler, who I love as a person, who got tried out as one of our agents and no lie is like ‘why don’t we do this spot where you put your face in Trish’s boobs and [motorboat].’ I’m like, ‘What? What are you talking about? Are we rewinding time?’ It was awful.”
Thankfully, women’s wrestling has seen a lot of growth over the past few years and is taken far more seriously than ever before. Molly Holly is certainly glad to see the growth of women’s wrestling in WWE.