WWE made some shocking releases in recent memory. Ric Flair, Bray Wyatt, and Braun Strowman were all let go, but the Nature Boy requested his cut. There have been many more releases on top of that and we could see a lot more in the future.
Paul Wight knew all of those men in WWE as The Big Show. The Ring Report recently spoke to Wight about the possibility of Wyatt, Flair, and Strowman coming to AEW. Those three names were specifically mentioned out of the loads of talent that the company has cut in recent memory. He seemed very positive about Tony Khan finding a spot for them.
“Absolutely they could fit in. There has been an influx of talent. For whatever reason, WWE has gone in a different direction with what they’re doing as a company. Their business line is beyond me and they do their own thing and it works for them. They’ve had great success with it. The biggest difference that I can relate to anyone outside is that AEW is a wrestling company, but also one dedicated to the talent. It’s about the fans, but also about the talent versus about being just about the company.”
“We have talents who are available and if they make their way to AEW, it will result in an incredible amount of freedom for them to continue entertaining the fans and to continue to grow. Anyone now who has been in this business long enough is smart enough to see where momentum is going and you’ve got to agree that it’s with AEW. It’s got a great groundswell of support from fans who are really into the product. The storylines are unique. They have a different flavor and excitement about them. I made the transition myself because after four decades, I left as I could see the writing on the wall of where professional wrestling was headed.”
We’ll have to see what happens next. Braun Strowman’s non-compete clause is likely running up soon, but Bray Wyatt’s is just beginning. It is unknown what kind of non-compete clause came with Ric Flair’s release, but there’s always the possibility that any number of those released stars could wind up in AEW eventually.
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Transcription by Ringside News